That's absolutely not true; she can sue anybody at any time - prevailing is where the difficulty arises but without knowing the specifics, it's hard to draw a conclusion. If whoever operated the beach where she was attacked, be it the county or a resort or whatever, had knowledge that a shark had been seen in the immediate area and did not fulfill it's obligation to close the beach, or at least inform the users, there could be liability. That case would no doubt swing on the strength of the information, the proximity, the time and the ability of the operator to act in a timely manner to alert the users.
Guaranteed. I understand you're being facetious but this was a conscious decision made by Disney management, not the guy who rakes the beach there every day. Employees who work at the lagoon are on record as requesting signs and fencing and those requests have been ignored.
You are so off base. Disney may have created the lagoon 50 years ago, now it is a living ecosystem in its own right, complete with marine life, birds and predators. I have been to a beach in NC where there were a number of shark attacks a couple of years ago. I never saw a sign warning there might be sharks in the ocean, but any person with half a brain knows they are there. And in case you didn't know States up and down the east coast "create" beaches for public use. I have stayed at just about every Disney resort including all 3 around the Seven Seas Lagoon at it is made quite clear to stay out of the water and Disney employees are quick to steer guests away if they see it. I have also had many a conversation with cast members about gators at various locations throughout the entire resort area, it is not hidden or any big secret, I have even had conversations on how they do their best to relocate ones when they are known about and reach a certain size. Like I said my heart goes out to the family, but you are a fucking moron if you do not know there are gators in the waters in Florida, ignorance it not an excuse. IF YOU TRULY BELIEVE DISNEY IS LIABLE THAN YOU ARE A BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM IN TODAY'S RIDICULOUS LITIGIOUS SOCIETY
Ever notice how when you print in bold letters in capitals your opinions are so much more meaningful?
We are discussing legal issues here; if you believe bolded and capitalized statements and name calling enhance your argument there must be serious flaws in your argument and possibly your character. The Seven Seas Lagoon is not an ocean, it is a limited, artificial, contrived, controlled body of water with a main inlet consisting of a manmade aqueduct; to attempt to compare it to an ocean is ridiculous. It is totally contained on private property and therefore controlled by the property owners. The owners are well aware of the wildlife on the property and employ a staff of wildlife management personnel to control the animal population; sometimes they fail. Disney promotes water skiing and canoeing on that lake which belies your statement that they make it "clear to stay out of the water." A no swimming sign does not convey the same message as a no wading sign particularly when the opposite message has been sent by marketing material. I can't imagine the horror experienced by the family but for anyone to suggest that they were somehow negligent when all they did was buy into the "Disney Experience" as it has been presented for decades is pathetic.
This has been widely reported and linked in the past few days, whether here or on I believe the Orlando Sentinel was a source for some of the articles.
Please post or link such marketing material. To suggest the parents weren't somewhat negligent is what really is pathetic.
Holy shit.......hahahahahhahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just a lone wolf type.... in fact we are gonna stock the surrounding lakes with 50 more females and child gators. LOL
Wow, condolences to the family. That is absolutely horrible. Can this be compared to a baseball or hockey game to some extent? Stadiums are littered with signs and announcements making fans aware to "watch out for flying balls (or pucks)." Should any moron be aware that baseballs fly into the stands at a Yankees game? Sure. Should they have done their due diligence in throwing the sign up for those moronic people who are not aware of their surroundings? Absolutely. Crazy to think that the most recent headlines read that the resort is now beginning to erect a fence to protect its residence. I've been to Florida a couple times. An alligator attack is the last thing on a families mind in what they presume to be a safe place. I never knew they were as close to civilization as they apparently are. Guess I'm a moron too. Whether you think they're dopes for not realizing it or not, this resorts reputation is now destroyed and I'd imagine they're going to lose the lawsuit for not making a foreign visitor more aware of their surroundings. What a horrible week for Orlando. RIP to everyone involved in these tragedies.