This was not a Islamist terrorist act, it needs to be truthfully called what it is -- a "hate crime anti-Parisian law enforcement and spouse, potentially child if not rescued" attack.
Idk what the solution is but throwing our hands up and saying we shouldn't even consider making changes as it pertains to guns because criminals will use anything just doesn't seem to be working. like it or not. AR-15s, just for an example are really cool, but assholes have ruined lots of cool things over the years by being assholes. It was cool to be able to see the gorillas at the Cincy zoo without enormous barriers. But when an asshole kid gets in the gorilla pen we look for solutions like bigger barriers and everyone seems to agree its a good idea. When yet another asshole uses an AR15 to shoot up a lot of people in a short period of time though- its somehow a controversial statement to say "you know maybe we should look to do something about those guns" .. because you know.... terrorists will just "use anything"
"we need to do something" doesn't really mean anything though. Let's talk specifics. How do you accomplish this? As for the AR-15 it's pretty much just a semi-auto rifle.
Whatever anyone wants to officially label it doesn't matter to me. These people are savages. Born and bred to murder from before they are able to speak. Tougher gun laws will never change that
How about we just start small and stop twisting ourselves in knots, flat-out lying to ourselves with idiotic bromides like, "This isn't about Islam." First step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. That's how I beat my thing with Japanese gameshows.
NSN, I don't know the answers, I am just a blue collar peon in this world so I don't really have or have to have specifics. But a mere suggestion from a person who is power broker in this country like "We should consider banning the sale and production of civilian AR-15s" would be considered a huge controversial political statement and met with intense criticism. why? and how is that a good thing for this country? say the gay kid bought a type of firework though from a fireworks stand and it killed 50 people in a nightclub. Some politician would write legislation banning the sale of that firework. Everyone would agree "yeah its probably not a good idea for anyone to be able to get their hands on dangerous fireworks that can take out 50 people easily." Within a week as soon as the pen dries the sale of that firework would be banned. What the hell is the difference. were talking about "stuff"
Even if you did ban the AR-15 it wouldn't have any impact at all IMO. It's just one type of semi-automatic rifle with a relatively small caliber. There's nothing particularly special about it in terms of killing capability and assholes would just choose some other gun.
you may or may not be right, but why not try to find out? instead of doing nothing and watching these things continue to happen
I mean, I know it's not just radical islamists who do these type of attack but how about we take a step towards stopping them? Declare war on ISIS, Al-Queda, Quesadilla and whatever other bullshit global gangs promoting these type of attacks and death of Americans and then arrest and/or deport (when applicable) people who are found to be sympathizing with them.
We've had the War on Terror since 2001 spending trillions to do exactly what you describe. The Air Force has dropped over 20,000 bombs on ISIS in just the last 15 months. We arrest and/or deport cells in the U.S. all the time
fair enough- but as it pertains to guns, it appears many DO make that argument. I am sorry to lump you into that group.
We haven't declared war. I believe that changes the game in terms of how you can deal with people, but maybe someone more informed than I can comment.
As a handgun owner and gun rights supporter, I'd gladly agree to a ban on the AR-15, as long as it came with a long list of firearms, magazines and ammunition that was listed as off-limits. Frankly, the only reason why anti-firearm folks hate the AR-15 is because it looks "military." They'd have a better issue focusing on something more significant, like magazine capacity. But, sure, people died so let's get angry at the big scary rifle. Except, hold the phone - turns out the guy wasn't shooting up a nightclub with an AR-15. It was a Sig Sauer MCX. A different big scary rifle.
It's just an obvious nothing burger. Why don't we try painting all the sidewalks with happy faces to find out what happens?
i wonder how many on the left could be completely honest with themselves about how disappointed they were when this turned out not to be a white Christian conservative I believe he is bent on creating a future that changes everything America is built on. He's not just left, he's radical left.
But this guy previously rooted for al Qaeda then Hezbollah before pledging allegiance to ISIS. Talk about a bandwagon terrorist. This isn't about Islam. It's about some weak minded asshole with ridiculous access to firearms.
thats fine sunday if the issue is magazine capacity then lets make that the conversation. Problem is, the same groups crying on the other side isn't going to change their stance.. a suggested ban on "big scary" magazines would get the same "well terrorists will just use anything to kill people" treatment. The NRA isn't going to fall in line with that plan. I am a gun owner myself, I was merely suggesting the AR-15 as one example because NSN asked for specifics. I've shot AR-15 a couple times and I thought it was really freakin cool, not scary. But unfortunately assholes always ruin cool stuff
That's a little much. What specific things America has been built on and what specific things is he doing to change them? The guy can't even get his Supreme Court nominee a guest spot on Match Game.