First part: More teabagger talk to keep fooling the masses. No such thing has been done but gotta keep fooling you every few years for your vote. Second part: You care about abortion access now??? I lol'ed.
If you want a gun in this country, you can always obtain it either legally or illegally. Laws ain't stopping any clown from doing so. About a watch list, if you haven't been convicted of anything, you should not lose your rights. Way too many folks in this thread are emotional and don't care about rights at a time like this which is quite pathetic. Everyone seems to have forget about the Patriot Act bullshit and how people were fooled into thinking that it was "needed"... People in this country go off for many reasons and nothing can be done to stop it.
The Orlando Massacre was a hate crime. Muslims hate Gays and Lesbians. Muslims also hate Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and anyone who is not a Muslim. Everywhere in the World where there is a large Muslim population, they are attacking their neighbors.
That's what I said. Isn't Islamic terrorism a hate crime ? Doesn't the Koran advocate hatred against non-believers ?
But the head muslim in charge, obama, says we should respect islam. It's just a big cult, I wouldn't be surprised if Charles Manson isn't a muslim.
Liberals would rather call me and millions of other NRA members terrorists rather than calling this Islamic terrorism. Heck if 9/11 happened today I am positive that the NY Daily News would be blaming the NRA and gun owners for it.
Liberals have painted themselves into a corner with their self branding bullshit as "progressives," which is not actually a practice of advanced or progressive thinking but simply contrariness to conservatives and Christians. Muslims and Christians actually share much more in common in belief than Muslims and liberals. But if a conservative criticizes and condemns Muslims than liberals are forced to be "progressive" and support Muslims because their real agenda is to simply be contrary to any position a conservative takes. And in their "progressive" delusion liberals believe that support of Muslims makes Muslims their friends, even though Muslim beliefs run contrary to liberal beliefs. So when a Muslim attacks homosexuals because homosexuality runs contrary to Muslim beliefs, liberals have no choice but to simply ignore the issue of religion in the act because to criticize Muslims for their religious belief would be to side with conservatives and the liberal corporate branding requires them to be contrary to conservatives, regardless of truth. So when your corporate edict restricts you from saying the truth, all you are left to do is distract from the truth and place blame on guns, which does run contrary to conservative beliefs.
Our laws are working and you guys are fake selectively outraged since this involved a Muslim. If only you guys put this much effort into working harder or finding a better job....oops that requires actual work.
Soooooooo rather than focusing on ISIS and Islamic Terror, what does our fucking asshole of a president do? He attacks guns, gun owners and the NRA what a coward. Cant wait until we have TRUMP elected, he wont pussyfoot around like Obama has done. Fuck Obama.
Then Huskers weekend entertainment goes from shooting guns and banging his cousin to just banging his cousin.