Me neither, and honestly, I swear she's been around for-fucking-ever...yet she's not even 30 yet. Jeez.
As a fun note, Jessica Pegula is the daughter of Bills owner Terry Pegula. She's currently ranked 163 in the world for women's tennis.
Sharapova was ranked 5th in January. She hasn't played since then and she's still ranked 26th (rankings are based on points earned in the past year, so she's losing ground slowly as her February-May 2015 results don't count).
I forget she played tennis. Serena erased her from the tennis spotlight probably 3years ago. Sent from my KFASWI using Tapatalk
just had A10 heads up against AK in poker I rivered a king to get a straight to beat the AK classic AK there
Game, set and snatch - Russian czar chasm not to be confused with another Russian tennis 'Maria' (Kirilenko)
She got banned for taking meldonium. It's believed to enhance bloodflow. She said she was taking it for ten years for health reasons and didn't know it had been added to the banned list. The ITF concluded she did not violate the anti-doping rules intentionally. Seems a bit harsh for a drug who's performance enhancing effects are debatable. I suppose that's why most of her sponsors are standing by her.
Although hardcore porn is probably out of the question, I can see her having some fast cash from Hef for a spread. When she's 40.
I play college tennis and I can say that a drug that boosts your stamina would be huge for a tennis player. If you know you can outlast your opponent you can turn up the intensity on every point rather than having to pace yourself. Also I find it very hard to believe Sharapova didn't know the tour had banned Meldonium. At best she was very negligent and deserved the max penalty for unintentional doping.