If you weren't such an imbecile you'd understand that just because I have nothing but disdain for Trump, that does not make me in any way, shape or form one of the "Hillary Supporters." Then again, you probably believe that your last sentence here makes some kind of sense.
I try to stay out of political discussions, but you know what I'd like to see? A centrist Democrat and a centrist Republican running together and promising to Make America Sensible Again. No more Trump, no more Sanders, and no more demagoguery. A guy can only dream...
Both of those candidates would be run out of dodge before sundown. The Middle no longer exists in Amerikan politics. Only extremes now thanks to years of partisanship at every level of govt.
I wonder if Trump even listens to the shit coming out of his mouth sometimes..This is what happens when no one tells the emperor he has no clothes. Cue the Trump excuse machine in 3..2..1
How about all those tolerant liberals who keep on attacking Trump supporters with violence at Trump rallies? I thought the Trump supporters were supported to be the violent ones, oh wait that is another lie put of by the liberal dogs. Fuck liberals, hopefully next time that happens some skulls are cracked and firehoses are opened up at full bore, its about time those smelly fucking hippies got a bath anyway. So sick of hearing from the media that the GOP is the cause of all the violence. Hey guess what fuckbag liberals, you dont see any members of the GOP doing anything like what these peaceful and tolerant liberals were doing in San Jose, but they can do what they want because the communist liberal media will cover it up while making Trump and the rest of the GOP look like they are totalitarian nazi's while the real totalitarians out there are these liberals who want to shut down all speech that does not go along their them. fuck progressive liberalism, its why America is so fucked up today.
Trump supporters finally getting what they were dishing out earlier. It was Trump supporters sucker punching and pepper spraying early on. Check the video for proof. Now they have the nerve to bitch about getting the exact same treatment? Really...Just typical Trump bullshit whining. I'm glad Trump supporters are getting a taste of their own medicine. Their hate is finally being met with hate. Now Trump supporters are getting sucker punched and beaten. As long as it was liberals getting their asses kicked, it was ok. Now they see the results of their own hate. Must be a royal bitch looking in the mirror and seeing the very image they've tried to hard to achieve coming back for them. Donald Trump is a scumbag POS but he's also the new face of the GOP. God help the GOP. Let the stillbirth of the 4th Reich be televised on CNN. Heil Trump!
Show me where Trump supporters started violence without provocation.There was none of that, but you have these George Soros funded liberal degenerates who are starting actual violence and riots and I guess thats no big deal to an ultra liberal like you I guess. Hey guess what buddy we have something called the FIRST AMENDMENT in this country, so Trump supporters and Trump can say whatever the fuck he wants and the protestors can do what they want too, but what the protestors are doing is shutting down free speech. I love how you get all high on your moral high horse and tell us about how you want a middle ground in politics, and yet you have no issue with people on your liberal side of the aisle causing violence and shutting down free speech because they dont agree with it. Nice job you hypocrite. liberals like you are the real totalitarians, liberals like you are whats wrong with America, liberals like you are the truc fucking fascists, nit trump supporters. Liberals like you desire nothing more than to take away our guns, take away our free speech, our jobs and our money, all for the "good of society"
I origiannly wasnt a Trump supporter, but after the other night I got so fucking pissed off that now Im all in with the guy. Fuck liberalsim, I cant wait until all of these lazy ass layabouts leave America when Trump is elected. Good riddance, they add nothing to society anyway, they dont work and suck up welfare money.
This is what Cman wants, its Trump supporters and pigs getting a taste of their own medicine. Fuck free speech too, liberals love to shut down free speech, so fuck it.
Oh please give it a break already... You're the prototype Trump drone. Bigoted, scared about your guns, blaming minorities for your own failures in life, a f'n loser for the most part. Just the low intelligence white working class voter Trump needs to win. Frankly, I couldn't give a good goddamn about you, your guns, your church, your corn, your bathrooms, any of it. But get this thru your racist fucking head... This ain't your daddy's Jim Crow America anymore. It never will be again no matter what your Neo Fuhrer tells you..Time and demographics are not your friend. Now go kill a deer, skin a squirrel, drink some moonshine, bang your cousin or whatever the fuck it is you rednecks do for fun in Nebraska on friday nite while the rest of us move on into the 21st century. Heil Trump
Reap what you sow. BTW, update your slang. No one really uses the word "pigs" to describe LEO's anymore.. Don't you get newspapers in the sticks or do you just wipe your dumb asses with them.
awesome response, very well thought out. Glad to know I struck a raw nerve. Have fun when Trump is elected. and while your at it, go fuck yourself you asswipe.
You first...And while I'm at it, you lack the mental capacity to strike anything but your wife for fucking the FedEx guy. Now when you beg, borrow or steal some intelligence JimBob, feel free to bring your racist ass back in for more..I'll be right here.. Heil Trump!
I hate it when the cleaners put my Klan robe in with the colored clothes. It came back pink last time. The Grand Dragon wasnt pleased about it so he chewed me out, and when I got back from the rally I beat my girlfriend.