With the handle 'Waterboy' who's to argue? : -) As for the waste brine sticking point, from an emerging technology standpoint there look to be some promising developments on the horizon. Veolia (water/energy/waste company) and Enviro Water Minerals (EWM) of Texas have formed a partnership that will result in a zero-discharge wastewater facility equipped with EWM’s technology to recover minerals and desalinated waste brine discharged from brackish water reverse osmosis--the first of its kind globally (2017). In short, EWM will take the waste brine concentrate from a desalination plant and then extract and transform salts and minerals into commercial products, while producing 2 MGPD of drinkable water a day for the El Paso region. Waterboy (sidebar) your 'cargo container/desalinization' post brings me back. My first 'real job' out of school was somewhat related: worked for a French concern (88th floor, 1 World Trade Center) which leased ISO tank containers for transport. As for "small desalinization plant," built one in high school for entry into a class science fair - older brother showed me that the same "cook, cool, condense" idea could be used as a still. Actually worked ok up until the day of a pressure cooker malfunction.....kaboom....rice all over the effin' place. ^??? (2nd sidebar): not sure to whom this was directed at Dierking, but since it immediately followed my post: my 'checkerboard' reference was merely to indicate my possessing more of a 'mosaic mentality' if you will (in answer to Cman's cynical assumption), that was all.
That's very odd. It was in response to a post someone threw up of a cartoon of Hillary spread eagled and her crotch was trumps face. Must've got disappeared, it was pretty disturbing.
Nice, it's good to see some companies taking the initiative to make good use of what was formerly looked upon as waste. I read up on Veolia a bit and I see they are doing the same as the San Diego plant with cogeneration and heat recovery to cut the energy consumption. Pretty soon I could see them designing a completely carbon neutral desal plant. Small world, before I moved to Florida I worked installing raised access flooring. I remember a big job we did on the 88th floor, south side of 1 WTC in the mid to late 80's.
Sadly his flip-flops doesn't matter as people will still ignore and vote for him. Overall he should get destroyed in a one on one debate. Can't wait. Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
Why Trump’s energy plan makes no sense http://www.theverge.com/2016/6/2/11840944/donald-trump-energy-plan-oil-climate-change-errors Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
He was just playing to the GOP electorate. You can't do terribly no matter what you say when the average person listening doesn't have a clue beyond what Rush tells them is the truth.
Trumpets are very simple people. They don't let little things like facts, bigotry and logic cloud their judgement.
We're not gonna allow that sort of thing here on this site. Just is not appropriate at all. Its gone and it really shouldn't reappear. If it does, there will be ramifications..
I'm sure there are quite a few of those but I don't think it's fair to lump all trump supporters into that bucket. Many are simply one issue voters with that one issue being border security.
I believe Cman60 was referring to Trump, not his supporters. The problem I have with Trump supporters right now is that they're willing to pull the pin on the hand grenade and then throw one of them randomly on election day. The GOP elite understand what is going on and they're very split on Trump at this point. The intellectuals like George Will, who lived through the WWII/50's era, are firmly opposed to him because they understand that he's not controllable. Even Trump can't control what he brings into play among his followers.
Whenever I see these videos of "Trump Supporters", I figure it's just some TV production. No way there's anyone that dumb. When I see the "Hillary Supporters", I just look at morons like Raletard and Big Blocker. They've been around forever. Some day we'll have a special colony devoted to them, and we'll throw rotten fruit and old Air Jordans down to them so they still feel like they have voting rights and respect.