From 1929 to 1936 the US deported close to 2 million Mexican-Americans to Mexico from California, Texas and Colorado. 1.2 million Mexican-Americans from California were forced across the border without due process during that period. Trump would just be saying and doing what we'd already done in the past: treating a minority group without effective legal representation like somebody else's trash and deporting them to that place. American History is a bitch sometimes.
Do you know it's like literally impossible to say "alfalfa farm" fast more than three times in a row without sounding like a total dweeb? Its true.
Trust you had a good Memorial Day. I was aware of the repatriations from that era; thought the Trump salvos you were ping-ponging with Cman were current event-related and didn't know long-since American history (being the bitch that it is) ; ) was in play as well. But that being the case, what screwed things up from the get go was a little Napoleon of the Stump democrat from Tennessee:
The issue of the drought is that California government places the burden and cost on the people despite the fact that residential water use is minuscule and cutting back use serves no real value to the drought. But it justified raising water rates, which haven't gone back down despite the fact that we've had constant rainfall since the end of last year. Trumps position is valid. You can end the drought for the people by simply eliminating the dishonest policies of placing the burden on the drought on the people. Address where the water is actually going, and most of it is being flushed out to sea.
JB, I find that hard to believe man. It simply hasn't rained or snowed in sufficient quantities over the last several decades. The water levels in Lake Meade have been decreasing steadily. It may be that Trump has a master engineer that can move water like the Romans did to feed their empire. Somehow, I don't think Trump can either make it rain OR a simple policy review to fix Cali's water problems
But makin' it rain isn't the issue. There is s difference between ending the drought with an increase of water and solving the drought which pertains to ensuring we have enough water to function. So what does it mean to function? Water use in California is split between residential (10% of water use), agriculture (39%) and environmental (51%). Obviously agriculture directly impacts our economy and is going to be the last place you are going to reduce water use age. Residential use is the least amount, but the state had focused their efforts on residential use as the solution, raising water rates in an effort to reduce use 25-35%. That may seem like a lot when you frame it that way, but we are talking about on 2.5-3% if the actual water use at that amount. That's an irrelevant amount and a nonsensical "solution." That leaves environmental, which is the greatest use of water in the state. Get control of the environmental use and we have enough water for residents to live their lives and to support agriculture, which means not wasting water to keep the delta smelt from going extinct. It's nice to be concerned about such things but it's a luxury. Figure out a better way to stave off salt water from impeding on fresh water than simply flushing the fresh water into it. You solve the impact so we can survive not end the drought. That's from the wiki page. If you search California water usage you will find the same numbers give or take a percent or two based on the year of the article.
I am not an expert in this, nor do I really care that much, but as I understand it the "environmental" usage for the most part has far more purposes than just keeping smelt from going extinct. The majority of that 50% figure is counting the decades long Central Valley Project, which keeps salt water from flooding the existing water supplies. That actually kills the fishes not protects them but protects the water supply for both residential and agricultural users. It gets lumped into "environmental" because its described as a natural barrier or whatever. The additional water used to protect endangered smelt has been cut drastically over the years and is only a small part of the overall "environmental" figure. Like I said I am not an expert but a person I know who is,and he has said that politicians pointing to that 50% environmental figure as the problem, or as a source for potential solution, just shows they dont know shit about water. Carly Fiorina was the most outspoken about this. A HP exec is now an expert in water!
I think I addressed the issue of fending off the salt water. Point was more that solving the drought doesn't mean ending the drought.
translation: "I hate America" We get it, you libtards hate America, you hate all that makes America great.
I only took a quick look and may have missed it, but it seems to disregard any commercial or industrial use. Doesn't look right to me.
Hey farmboy - why not deal with the issue at hand and try to make a semi-intelligent comment about it instead of your Limbaughesque "hate America" nonsense? You do your mission and yourself no favors with your childish rants and name calling.
There are more than enough resources that validate the numbers; perhaps industrial is absorbed by residential. I'm sure you can find that too with a basic search.
I wasn't that interested to begin with but did follow up enough to discover that the category "Urban" (about 10% of the total) is basically half residential with the other half being commercial, industrial and institutional.
Deutschland Uber Alles? You'd have fit like a hand in a glove in Nazi Germany along about 1933. Hitler had a LOT of useful idiots propelling him along.
No, you don't "get it".. The "good old days" weren't good for everybody. Just one particular part of the population. It wasn't good for Native Americans, Blacks, Women, Japanese, Mexicans. and generally anyone that wasn't WASP. For quite some time, it wasn't good for the Irish or Italians either. Depending on your point of view, you can either try to excuse all of America's sins and attack those that point them out, or acknowledge them and try not to make the same mistakes twice. I'm gonna take a real leap here and say you're part of the population that has benefited most from the social order that used to exist and are desperate to see it restored. By extention, when you say "make America Great again", that's simply code for "make America WASP again." What are you gonna do in 2045 when the demographics flip permanently and WASP's won't be the majority anymore? I don't think Voter ID laws will get done what you will need them to. So does Neo Hitler in 2016. Just ask Uncle Ben Carson who is White America's Model Black Man.
Ive always wondered why water from mountain snow run off in the spring cant be pipelined into places like Mead etc. I know nothing about this any theres probably a good reason. But when my simply orange juice is pipelined in from ....