Lol the GF is showering-has to work early tomorrow , I'm watching the Mets drinking Titos and chomping my younger guy's Jumbo BBQ Sunflower Seeds. So perfect. _
Just can't get into IPA's ...I think I'm the last guy on the Stellas...Hoegarten...Dos Equis Amber...and the last of my budd..
Was at a casual outdoor bar this past weekend that had one of these signs outside with about a four inch square cut out of each side, eliminating the "T" and "P". I'm on board for that!
You know they're not for me either. I want beer so dark that it makes everything around it slightly darker. And not black ipa, it doesn't work for me. I have a coffee porter to try at the weekend, love me coffee beer.
Swell. For all the excellent bona fide American beer you can find between Colorado and Wyoming, you'd have to be some kind of commie to drink that nasty Brazilian owned A-B swill.
I was skiing over at A Basin and I did try one of the local brews at the hill, it wasnt bad. I dont mind a microbrew every now and then, they are just for the most part out of my price range so i stick to the cheaper stuff
the thing about PBR is that the next day is pure hell with that beer. It actually doesn't taste that bad for the price range. But the next morning it gives the worst headache. I've blacked the F out on well whiskey and had less of a hangover than I had after 5 PBRs... also, the gay hipsters kinda took the beer over too. sad.
I love IPAs. Unfortunately last summer I started getting raging headaches from drinking certain types of alcohol, and IPAs trigger them worse than anything else. Talk about depressing. I think I'm allergic to hops, or certain tannins.
I don't think I have had PBR since I was 16 or 17, so about 35 years. Back then PBR was the beer old codgers drank.