Dude what are you even talking about? Do you know what the definition of insight is? It's giving an understanding to something not previously known. The guy asked me a question about running Rex's defense last year and I simply said we didn't actually run his defense totally. The poster didn't know, nor do I expect him to, since he obviously wouldnt follow the team that closely. What is the problem
It's all damage control from you and your dumb ass HC and FO. If that schmuck would just keep his mouth shut he wouldn't be eternally putting out fires from the aftermath. Those directives to the press are just another example. Your executive leadership is from hunger. It sucks
If Rex is going to succeed in Buffalo he has to be willing to learn from his mistakes. For example, Tom Coughlin changed his deneanor after getting fired from Jax and nearly fired from the Giants. He then went on to win 2 SBs. Unfortunately for Buffalo, Rex has not shown any real willingness to fix his weaknesses as a coach. Unless he changes or TT carries the team, he will get fired sooner rather than later.
if he was referring to you as executive leadership he would have used "you're" as in" you are". which would have made the rest of his sentence a grammatical nightmare. instead he used "your" a possessive pronoun which you some how misunderstood. which would surprise absolutely no one on this board,related to you or ever exchanged any words with you during their or your (there's that word again) life time.
and no one should be surprised. This is the Ryan mentality (or lack thereof) His father and brother are no different. They are stupid and stubborn people. Sorry to sound so harsh, but they are.
Yup. A lot of people don't understand that dynamic with Rex. He's actually a dysfunctional jackass, and the need to change is even more critical. And that makes it harder to change. He doesn't get it. You still the same behavior, stubbornness, and bullshit talk. The ability and willingness to change is evident throughout sports and life.. Right now Rex is not fit to be a CEO of a top organization, imo.
Thank you. Your effort is in vain no doubt tho. That dude is dumber than his HC and logic will likely never penetrate his thick dumb ass trolling skull.
With all the talk coming out of Rex, and now Rob, it sounds like they are going be thorns in their own sides.
In order to change, one has to be aware that there's a problem and then admit that one's attitude and actions are at the root of that problem. Rex and Rob are either delusional, not self aware enough, or just flat out too stupid to see that they are their own worst enemy, and that the problem lies with them, their attitude and mouth, not with anything or anyone else. That's why neither will ever ultimately succeed.