Your post was incorrect so I'm not sure what you want me to say. Rex did not employ his "exotic blitzing defense" with us last year. In fact, the problem was we didnt blitz much. When he came in, he didnt want to screw up what we had done the year before so he tried to keep everything the same as Schwartz or as similar as he could. Problem is, he couldnt coach Schwartz's defense as good as Schwartz can coach Schwartz's defense. After the year when we didnt finish where we wanted to finish, he said screw it we're going back to what I know how to do. This will be the first year in "Rex's defense."
ill play along. so he wanted to keep schwartz defense, didnt blitz and then when it didnt work and everyone was going apeshit about the changes that he had made he went right on ahead and didnt make adjustments to better the defense with his amazing coaching prowess. best of luck dipshit
I'm a dipshit for giving insight huh? You must be a real classy person. But your answer is yes. Go back and read any article or listen to any news conference and you'll see and hear that Rex tried to keep the Schwartz defense in tact while also implementing "some" of what Rex likes to do. It didn't work. If you think that halfway through the season, while games are being played so fast week to week, that you can all of a sudden decide to change your entire defensive philosophy and terminology from A to B, then you are dumber than I thought. You morons are mad at me as if I'm making this shit up or something. I'm just the messenger.
you are the "messenger" in terms of giving us Rex's excuses. What you said is almost word for word what the fat man used as an excuse after the year. He was giving excuses here for 6 years. We know when the guy is saying a bunch of bullshit. I'm assuming you watch every Bills game. Set aside Rex's excuse making for 5 seconds: did the defense you saw in 2015 look anything like the one the year before?
Exactly. I am the messenger. I am reporting what the team and news report. If people dont like it or think it doesnt make sense, thats fine with me, but dont start calling me names or act like I'm making shit up when really they have no clue anyway since they dont follow the Bills. Makes no sense to ask me a question and then jump on me for the answer. To your second point, no, the defense didnt look like it did the year before and really, it shouldnt have. Again, we did not run Schwartz's scheme and we did not run Rex's scheme. We ran a "hybrid" scheme between what Schwartz did and some of what Rex did. Of course its not going to look the same as only Schwartz's defense. The major difference I noticed was that for some reason we had no pass rush with the same 4 down linemen. It looked like the 4 down linemen would just rush straight up the field and stop instead of running stunts or just going ape-shit on offenses like the year before. Our 4-man rush was not getting to the QB and we were rarely blitzing. Some of that was Mario Williams not giving a shit, but the rest looked scheme related. What is interesting to me is I remember the very first few days of training camp Dareus speaking to the media and saying he didnt get along with the d-line coach because they wanted the players to play gaps and not rush and create chaos. They fired that d-line coach this offseason so I will be looking to see if anything is different in that regard. Supposedly now we are running "Rex's defense" that blitzes, disguises coverages, etc. We'll see how that works out.
Its no wonder everyone hates you and has absolutely no respect for your opinion. you sir are a moron.
You remind me so much of us, jets fans, over the first couple of years of RR. I actually feel a little bit sorry for you
Oh so jets fans over the first couple of years of RR relayed what he said to fans of other teams? And what are you "feeling sorry" for again? So confused
Of course you're confused, that's what Rex does to you. He gives you just enough to make his BS sound plausible, just enough reasonable doubt to think that maybe Rex is the hero and everyone else is the asshole, just enough wins to keep Rex. Jets fans were down this road, we know exactly where it leads ... it's not a good place.
Listen to the spin master this time- the coach before him had the team playing with the best defense in the league. Rex comes in, makes it very average, and some how finds a way to blame the previous coach's system for the decline. Do people ever stop and think-- what??
The horror is that reading this guy I realize that 5 years ago this was me. And then a scary thought: "Holy shit!! Did I sound just as dumb back then??"
Why are you acting like I've given an opinion on the matter? For the one millionth time, all I'm doing is relaying to you what he said in the media. Good lord you people are dumber than I thought.