Resigning Fitz

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Thewatchfuleye, Feb 9, 2016.

  1. Walt White

    Walt White Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Mac, TB, and the players, want him back.

    But what does that mean against some new age bs numbers? Fitz sucks so fuck it all this season. U bet.
  2. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Those deep passes especially are disgusting....such a big handicap having him back there with probably the worst arm in the league

    Also, so many of those passes were just terrible....a few a year, fine. But he definitely was fortunate/lucky in the potential disaster department. Against any of the good defenses we played he wasn't so lucky and we got beat (Bills x2, Texans, Cowboys were a good defense and we scraped by against their joke of an offense)

    I don't know, he doesn't inspire any confidence at all looking at our schedule coming up....I've seen enough to know that he can get by against bad teams and defenses as long as the rest of the team is playing at a high level. What's the point?
  3. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    That's the first regime and team that actually wanted him back in years to be fair
  4. Walt White

    Walt White Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    I don't care about that. I care about what I saw last year, and the team competing this year. Which they will, compete, on a higher level with Fitz than any other option available. I'd say our entire organization feels the same way. imo.

    I don't care about micro analyzing Fitz from years ago. And I'm not buying that he'll regress and shit the bed this year either.

    We're gonna be better this year imo, and all he has to do is manage. And he can do that well enough.
  5. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    If he plays like he did last year we're going 8-8 at best against this many tough defenses and it's going to get ugly I'm afraid if last year was any indication

    Maybe he can play better? but it's tough seeing that from a 30 something year old with zero arm....We would need better play and I'm not talking about running up touchdowns against the scrubs of the league while your defense racks up 6 turnovers. I'm talking against real teams and real defenses where you're going to need your QB to go win you the game instead of being along for the ride

    What I saw last year doesn't inspire any confidence that we're in good hands with Fitz

    Rather see what the youngsters got and use the money saved on players in our future plans. I feel like Fitz will never get it done so might as well see if they can. Fitz may be the safe option but we don't know if he's definitely better and to what degree
  6. Walt White

    Walt White Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    I'm not buying that. And I'd bet TB & Co. would never buy that either. That's defeatist.

    The Special Teams will be better. The D is installed from the start. There's better options at RB for Fitz, and maybe by some miracle between Amaro, Saxton/Sudfeld?, Enunwa, and the RB's, Fitz will have some bonafide options in the middle of the field to open up the whole field for him.

    I think the schedule thing is overrated also nowadays. There's too much change year to year for a HC like TB to worry about the schedule as he prepares to compete.

    "The schedule's hard so fuck it", is defeatist, and not how our FO or any FO would approach something. The future is now and it's all in for the win. If Fitz doesn't come back then it's the same with Geno....You play play to win the game
    Sec124DieHard likes this.
  7. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    I hope you're right but sometimes you gotta take a step back and look at what's realistic and what isn't

    He will need to be better against good defenses for us to be a playoff team, I don't think that's an incorrect statement at all.....He led us down the shitter against the good defensive teams we played last season

    I'm not saying at all that the schedule's hard so fuck it....even if we had the easiest schedule in the world I would feel the same way....It's all about what Fitz can add to the team to make it better regardless of opponent or schedule or whatever.

    It's my opinion that he was mostly along for the ride against trash teams last year. I feel like he doesn't have the talent to take us far and Petty/Geno may have the potential to. They could easily be worse I'll admit, but that's life sometimes

    If I feel like I know that I'm in a losing situation, why would I not roll the dice for a possible winning situation? Obviously others disagree and think Fitz could be a winning situation....and if he comes back I hope they're right and I'm wrong

    The safest option is not always the best.
    #2727 King Koopa, May 22, 2016
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
  8. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    That website and the passes they call "interceptable" was moronic the first time it was posted, it doesn't get any better.
    How anyone can look at some of those passes they deem "interceptable" and agree with it is beyond me.
    Ralebird and zace like this.
  9. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    Yeah i know, because explaining his bad decisions is moronic. You really dont understand how ridiculous you sound do you?

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  10. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    Lmao so only 26 passes were bad? Thats doesnt take all his incomples into the equation or other bad decisions. Some of you are unreal in you inability to look logic in the face. Wheres all the great plays articles and pages for Fitz?

    I just find it hard for anyone who truly looks at this game to see how he wasnt a liability. If he didnt have Marshall and Decker he wouldnt have looked half as decent. He wasnt the only reason this team struggled at time, but he was a major reason. He would absolutely be ineffective for long stretches at a time, then pile up some stats real quick on like 2 drives and then everyone forgets he struggled. Ost the game. He seemed to do this at the end of the half often. See heres the thing, if he was the best option, id be all on board, but he's not. We have pretty much the same option on the roster and other places in the league. Go bacl and checl what i said before last season started, and i said this was easily a 10 win team from what i saw at camp and the overall state of the league. Honestly they shoulda won 12 games. Thats not the case this season.

    Teams will take advantage of his poor reads and lack of arm strength. Hes wildly inaccurate. Hes not any sort of answer and he doesnt make anyone more competitive.

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    #2730 zace, May 22, 2016
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
  11. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I am not a big Fitz supporter but I want Fitz over Geno if the price is right. I read the article before because I wanted to see where they were coming up with these 31 "interceptable" passes.
    A few of them jumped right out to me as no way were they "interceptable" yet many keep proclaiming this website and their 31 "interceptable" passes as gospel.
    Where is the Geno "interceptable" passes breakdown? I can't find that anywhere but lets look at actual stats, last year Fitz threw an INT every 37.47 passes, in 2014 Geno threw an interception every 28.23 passes. As they say, I'm just gonna leave this here.
  12. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Did you even bother to look at the passes they claim were "interceptable"? Yeah, keep talking about how much you know about football when you can't clearly see that many of the passes they highlighted had no chance of being intercepted.
  13. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    Lmao are you serious? Youre not even worth the argument. Those were all passes that should have been picked and thats not even all of them. You can deny all you want but its more than ints or passes that should have been. It shows the fatal flaw of Fitzpatrick that has always been present. Hes poor if the first read isnt there and stares his recievers down. If you didnt get that from that article, the other i posted, and watching him play you dont know football at all.

    He makes terrible reads, theres no denying that. Hell jaws supports that too, and like i said before, jaws likes every qb. So if he says fitz is a bad decision maker, its pretty telling.

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  14. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    I'm looking at all of the gifs now and the majority of them could have/should have been picked and the others were just terrible passes. but whatever

    I guess the thought/hope for some of us is that Geno has improved...if he plays like he did in 2014 forever then he should never start a game in the NFL again. Sometimes the light turns on for immature QBs and having Marshall as well as a competent offensive coaching staff is huge. Fitz also played a majority of trash teams and defenses. I'm not here to make excuses for Geno at all but just stating what I believe.

    I don't know if Geno even deserves another shot depending on his work ethic and the way he's looked in practices but from what Mac and Gailey have said it sounds like they like his progress so far. Of course it could all be lip service but I have no reason to believe otherwise until proven wrong
  15. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Stop questioning people as if you have some superior knowledge because you just don't. Even the writers explanations for some of these make no sense. "The ball arrived in a spot where he could have comfortably caught it if he had used both hands, instead he just tipped it away with one." How the fuck is that LB going to get both hands on the ball? Answer, he couldn't have.
    How about this one? Is he going to go through Decker to get the ball? That's what he would have to do to catch the ball.
  16. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    The lb was running half speed. How can you not see that? Hell the receiver wasnt ever expecting it. It should have been picked. It was a bad decision no matter how you slice it, so i will question you because you lack of understanding of the play shows you dont get the game. That lb is underneath that play all the way and read Fitzpatricks eyes. He clearly wasnt expecting the throw because it was so obvious yet it was forced in anyway. So no matter how you slice it, 1) its a bad read, 2) clearly his presnap isnt that great, 3) it shows he locks onto recievers. Hmmmm, all of which i said he does.

    The second one was also forced and could have be pickedof not for the reciever bailing him out. Again poor read, poor decision, stare receiver. So tell me again how good he is? Even his completions were problematic.

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  17. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    You are a joke, now it's the LB was running half speed? Second one could have been picked off except the receiver bailed Fitz out? I love when someone boasts about how much they know about the game clearly doesn't.
    Anyway, none of my posts said anything about whether or not "1) its a bad read, 2) clearly his presnap isnt that great, 3) it shows he locks onto recievers". I was addressing "interceptable" passes which is just a made up stat that can only be found one place, why is it only found one place? Because it is completely subjective and has no basis in fact.
  18. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    You think this is about interceptable passes? Thats my big reason? No my reason is hes terrible and the article talks about more than just interceptable passes. Yeah that lb isnt exactly sprinting to his spot in the zone. That ball was out before the wr even comes close to being ready. Fitzpatrick literally just dropped back and threw that pass to that spot regardless of what else was going on. So.... Thats good? And yeah of Decker dont stretch out on the second one, thats in int. Fitzpatrick threw it right at the defenders spot and Decker knocks it away. If that was on Deckers body, thats a TD. You can dislike it if you like, but it shows everything thats wrong with Fitzpatrick in one page.

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  19. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    The article was titled "What is an Interceptable Pass?" and my first sentence in my reply to that post was "That website and the passes they call "interceptable" was moronic the first time it was posted, it doesn't get any better." so yes, I think I was discussing "interceptable" passes.
    The rest of my posts say things such as , "How anyone can look at some of those passes they deem "interceptable" and agree with it is beyond me."
    "I am not a big Fitz supporter but I want Fitz over Geno if the price is right. I read the article before because I wanted to see where they were coming up with these 31 "interceptable" passes.
    A few of them jumped right out to me as no way were they "interceptable" yet many keep proclaiming this website and their 31 "interceptable" passes as gospel.
    Where is the Geno "interceptable" passes breakdown?"
    "Did you even bother to look at the passes they claim were "interceptable"?"
    "I was addressing "interceptable" passes which is just a made up stat that can only be found one place, why is it only found one place? Because it is completely subjective and has no basis in fact."

    I guess someone might misconstrue all the times I mentioned "interceptable" passes as something completely different, not sure why but they might.

    Go ahead and get the last word because this isn't worth another second of my time.
  20. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    First off when i posted the link, i didnt say anything about an interceptable pass. If you read it, its about more than an interceptable pass. Its about his bad decision making. Which is why i think hes a bad qb. But if you had any sort of comprehension skill, i wouldnt have needed to explain that to you.

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