This Guy Reminds Me of Hornet - Hours of Amusement

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by GQMartin, May 18, 2016.

  1. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Guys, this has given me hours of enjoyment over the last couple of weeks. Check it out:


    Cliff's notes:

    An overweight, middle aged man, has a fitness channel on YouTube. The guy makes ridiculous claims and eventually someone called Hornet and a group of people are now exposing him for fraud.

    Thread 1:**Blahautism-The-Jason-Blaha-Story**

    Thread 2:**Blahautism-The-Jason-Blaha-Story-2-0**


    Some of the Claims:
    -Martial arts master, two black belts, championship target shooter trained since he was 6 years old by his Green Beret father. Can score headshots at 1,000 yards.

    -Benched 485 pounds. When asked for proof of this, he says that he doesn't have any because the Internet wasn't that popular in the early 2000s.

    -Has 18 inch arms. If you don't believe him, then he is under no obligation to provide proof, you obviously haven't seen him in person. He's huge IRL.

    -Built hydrogen compressors.

    -Genius level IQ, double majored in Psychology and Nutritional Science at Texas A&M, achieved a perfect 4.0 GPA without ever studying.

    -Worked as a male model.Rumour has it that this was one of his portfolio pictures (not srs).

    -Was a shredded bodybuilder below 5% body fat. Unfortunately, all photographic evidence of this was burned up in a fire.

    -Ran his own steroid lab from 2000-2004 and fucked a cheerleader for a bottle of Clenbuterol and a bottle of Winstrol. He also helped NCAA athletes pass drug tests, some of them later went on to the NFL.

    -Could have become a medical doctor, but chose not to.

    -Became an assassin for the CIA. Here is Blahino quoting the CIA Special Acitivites Division's motto "Latebra Factum". Here is a MUST WATCH VIDEO where he talks about his CIA past (warning: you will go to prison for the rest of your fucking life for committing espionage if you choose to watch this video). He also talked about training "At The Farm at Langley" (Langley, Virigina is where the headquarters of the CIA is located). He alsotalked about his background in stalking and killing a man while leaving behind no evidence.

    -Didn't have to pay Layne Norton any money when he lost the lawsuit because the U.S. Embassy protected him. He implied that this was done as gratitude for his past service as an assassin, a privilege that they didn't even grant to Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle when he lost a defamation case. This means that Agent Blahino had more confirmed kills than Chris Kyle's 160.
    -Receives a special government pension with a sealed record for his past CIA work, which is why he doesn't have a job.

    -Later on, the humble human bean Agent Blahino modestly played down his past as an assassin in order to protect the HIGHLY CLASSIFIED nature of these operations. Revealed that he worked as a mercenary; he was recruited by the Clinton administration out of high school due to his target shooting skills. He was deployed to fight the drug cartels in Mexico and South America, and was only paid in firearms and training (at The Farm at Langley). He was also deployed to the Middle East, where he performed snatch and grabs and used advanced interrogation techniques on terrorists. He killed armed men, got PTSD as a result, and was terminated by his employer.

    -Committed war crimes as a mercenary. Thankfully, he wasn't part of the military, so he was not in violation of international law!

    -Was a hitman, looking to work as one again for the right price.

    -Not balding, full luscious head of hair, shaves his head by choice.
  2. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    The fraud part comes into play because the guy stated he is on disability but proceeds to release videos of himself in the gym power lifting weights.
    #2 GQMartin, May 18, 2016
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
  3. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Sounds legit. Sign this beast.
  4. Faux machine

    Faux machine Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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  5. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    It all checks out until he declares he optionally shaves his head bald. That's how you know he's a fraud.
  6. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    "-Is fucking bald, holy shit, just admit it. There's nothing wrong with being bald, but the fact that he can't even admit it says volumes about his insecurity. When looking at pictures of him in his early 20s, it's evident that he was already balding. I'm not sure if he's lying, or if he's actually delusional enough to believe that having a George Costanza ring of hair around the sides and back counts as not being bald. He also tried claiming that he has blond hair, which is why you can't see his hairline shadow, even though he is clearly not (and even if he was, it wouldn't make much of a difference anyway). He could very easily silence all the naysayers by simply letting his hair grow out for a week to prove that he's not bald, but he refuses to do so, I wonder why."
  7. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    -According to his first ex-wife, he didn't actually go to Texas A&M. He went to a community college in the same town. He has no academic credentials in exercise physiology, nutritional science, or biochemistry, outside of what he may have learned during his brief time in community college (it's not known what courses he was taking, or whether he completed them or dropped out). People ask him questions every week in his Monday Q&A videos as if he's a guru on all of these subjects. He has a PhD in Looking Shit Up On Google, with a Master's in Reciting Steroid Information That He Read Off GH15. Sure, he sometimes presents sound advice, but why don't people just skip the middleman and get the information off Google themselves?

    -He claims to have the same amount of muscle mass as Ryback (we'll let you compare the two and decide for yourself whether that's true or not), and that he is so huge that his ex wife's friends called him "The Monster," yet The Monster is consistently dwarfed by other people who appear in videos with him: here he is with two average non lifters. With YouTuber Big J. With some average gym rats. With his friend who barely even lifts. Witha senior citizen! Even his girlfriend looks roughly the same size as him.

    -He can't even make a smoothie without fucking up, how could he have possibly run his own steroid lab?

    -Has rarely worked. According to his father, Blaha's claimed past occupation of "building hydrogen compressors" was actually a manual labour job working in a warehouse. His first ex-wife has testified that he quit his job and started playing World of Warcraft for 10 hours a day, claiming that he suffered from vertigo, even though the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him. His ex-wife said that she got tired of supporting him and eventually kicked him out.

    -Claims to be busy all the time, when in reality his day consists of: policing the comments sections of his videos for 12 hours a day and deleting/banning all criticism against him, Filming and editing two to four 5 minute YouTube videos per day, taking naps while waiting for videos to upload, scouring Google for more articles that he can regurgitate, giving his girlfriend dick twice a day, going to the gym for 30 minutes and doing 6 total sets, and doing "cardio" which consists of him pedaling gently on his stationary bike for an hour while playing video games.

    -His "secret government pension" is probably disability money.

    -The real reason why he didn't have to pay Layne any money after losing the lawsuit is because he didn't have any.

    -He constantly implied that he was in the CIA until he got into a feud with popular YouTuber and ex-friend Jerry Ward; he actually trains people who are in the CIA and FBI. Jerry Ward threatened to get one of them to do a background check on Blaha to prove that he was never in the CIA, at which point Blaha pleaded with him not to do it, claiming that he'd be committing espionage. From that point on, Blaha suddenly stopped talking about his CIA background and instead made up a story that he was a mercenary.

    -The real reason why he got PTSD is because he was sexually abused as a child. This is not meant to mock him. It's sad that it happened, but it doesn't give him an excuse to go around and lie about having PTSD because he spent years working as a secret ninja assassin. Actually though, it's possible that he made up the story about being molested. It would be a very strange thing to lie about, but with pathological liars you just never know; to them, lying feels more natural than telling the truth.

    -Made thousands of posts on the David Icke message boards under the username "DarkEternal" expressing a deep belief in the conspiracy theory that the world is controlled by reptilian Illuminati overlords. He supplemented these beliefs with lies that he was one of the reptilian overlords. With this, he managed to gain moderator powers on the board. When his posts on that board were uncovered several years later, he desperately tried to explain them by claiming that he was being paid by a book company to write thousands of fictitious posts, but a non-disclosure agreement prevented him from talking about it. However, there are a number of glaring holes in his story. Eyewitnesses who used to post at the board report that Blaha participated in video chats, was obsessed with talking about himself and frequently hit on females during these sessions. Consequently, he met his next wife there and moved in with her in the UK. Just imagine her disappointment: she was expecting a genetically superior reptilian overlord with royal blood. Instead, she got BLAHA.

    -He's looking forward to the day that his wealthy father dies so that he can get his inheritance. Actually, I wouldn't count on that Blaha; his father has basically disowned him for unknown reasons, but his first ex-wife implied that it's because he's lazy and expects to have everything handed to him, which seems to be the case when examining his life history. It's also worth noting that a curious FitMiscer seeking information about Blaha's past occupations contacted his stepmother, and used the ruse that he was a UK official investigating possible disability fraud committed by Blaha; she said, "not surprised."

    -Is fucking bald, holy shit, just admit it. There's nothing wrong with being bald, but the fact that he can't even admit it says volumes about his insecurity. When looking at pictures of him in his early 20s, it's evident that he was already balding. I'm not sure if he's lying, or if he's actually delusional enough to believe that having a George Costanza ring of hair around the sides and back counts as not being bald. He also tried claiming that he has blond hair, which is why you can't see his hairline shadow, even though he is clearly not (and even if he was, it wouldn't make much of a difference anyway). He could very easily silence all the naysayers by simply letting his hair grow out for a week to prove that he's not bald, but he refuses to do so, I wonder why.
  8. twown

    twown Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    On the first page of the first linked thread, someone celebrates being in on the first page of a "legendary thread."

    Now 23,000+ posts in less than a year. That's like 10 "re-sign Fitz" threads.
  9. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I love how if you even discuss his prior life you could be guilty of espionage lol.


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