Wasn't Jon 998th Lord Commander? His killer then was 999th, even if it was for just a few days. The next will be 1000th. This should signify new era. Could be Jon (now free from the oath), maybe a wildling.
Well here it is... Melisandre's Valyrian translation of her summoning to awake Jon Snow Zyhys oñoso jehikagon Aeksiot epi, se gis hen syndrorro jemagon. "We ask the Lord to shine his light, and lead a soul out of darkness." Zyhys perzys stepagon Aeksio Oño jorepi, se morghultas lys qelitsos sikagon. "We beg the Lord to share his fire, and light a candle that has gone out." Hen syndrorro, oños. Hen ñuqir, perzys. Hen morghot, glaeson. "From darkness, light. From ashes, fire. From death, life." http://comicbook.com/2016/05/04/game-of-thrones-melisandres-prayer-translated/ Thus, I believe Jon is the Azor Ahai, the one Melisandre thought was Stannis... "According to prophecy, our champion will be reborn to wake dragons from stone and reforge the great sword Lightbringer that defeated the darkness those thousands of years ago. If the old tales are true, a terrible weapon forged with a loving wife's heart. Part of me thinks man was well rid of it, but great power requires great sacrifice. That much at least the Lord of Light is clear on." ―Thoros of Myr[src] Azor Ahai is a legendary figure in the faith of R'hllor. Thousands of years ago, he forged the sword Lightbringer which he used to defeat the darkness of the Great Other. This came at a price, however, as in order to unleash the sword's true powers he had to plunge it into the heart of his loving wife, Nissa Nissa. A prophecy foretells that he will be reborn as The Prince That Was Promised.[1]
As a book reader, I really hope they do the TOJ scene this week really well. I'm looking forward to that scene the most.
Idk why roose didn't send his wife and baby away with a psycho like Ramsay in the building. Then again I guess they're snowed in
I wonder what Jon Snow is up to now...He planning on rediscovering himself? Fight the good fight? leave Westeros, maybe run into dragons and Khaleesi? Jon Snow 2.0...All the options are available.
I would think he finds out his brother is hostage and goes back to fight and take his throne in the North. Likely with the wildlings on his side.
Solid guess, but he should be central to the White walkers storyline too. But having a fort in Winterfell is awesome
I hope this is not what happens. We don't need them to kill that storyline for this entire season by him trying to figure out his place in life. I don't want him to turn into a giant walking and talking vagina
He likely will be based on my theory. He'd be the king of the North as Ned was and he would fight the walkers. That's the best storyline
I liked that episode. The Tower of Joy stuff was cool, a bit of a tease but I get it. Jon leaving the watch is pretty cool. I agree that I hope he doesn't just have no place now but I don't think that is what will happen, obvious direction is he goes to reclaim Winterfell with an army of Wildlings. Is Sansa still heading to Castle Black?
I believe she is. I would love to have them meet up again and have Breanne of Tarth (sp?) fight along side Jon
I think Jon was lying about remembering nothing while he was dead. There is too much purpose, too much decision in his leaving.