im a fence rider on this. i think sometimes we are extra aware when dealing with death and that we notice things we may not otherwise notice. we have our mourning front and center in our brain and can make connections to alot of things. however i think that sometimes its way too coincidental the way things happen. that leads me to believe there is something to what you guys are saying. i just hope my mom isnt up there watching me masturbate.
In what state is Mom if she's in Heaven? Is she her favorite age? Is she the age she passed away? Does she have the pets she had as a child that she loved as a child or the pets you remember as a child when she was an adult? Or is she pet lady in Heaven with all of the above? I'm not 100% sure about the existence of the almighty but Heaven seems awfully unlikely given the contradictions involved.
I wasn't really thinking about God or Heaven at all. Life, what state and form it can take, is our consciousness separate from our flesh and bone, whatever anyone believes. If my father in law is turning on alarms and knocking shit over he certainly ain't in Heaven. My house is alright but still needs some crown molding in the family room to even enter that discussion.
You'd have to come up with a way to contain consciousness in the ether to make ghosts or spirits real. So far we know of no way to do that.
How about intuition? Or premonition (as in a bad feeling "something shitty is about to happen)? Do you believe such things exists? How do you explain them? ( I do believe, and have a theory, but would be curious to hear yours).
Intuition is a way of seeing things based on other things you have seen in the past and relating those things to the present context. Premonitions are often the same thing. Both types of experience are often the back channels of your consciousness talking to you suddenly when something has built up that was not obvious at any particular point. In addition there are often other effects related to various disasters that are not highly obvious but are likely to clue you in to the emergence of threat. One thing that happened to me close to 40 years ago that stands out as an example is a really unusual event that I had a very funny feeling about just before it happened. I was walking through the woods alone during the day and I suddenly realized that everything was too quiet. A second later an eagle shit on my jacket, the glop landing on my shoulder from where the eagle sat on a branch about 30 feet above me. The silence immediately before the poop landed was likely due to the presence of an alpha predator in close proximity and all the other animals going silent. If the plop hadn't landed I would have never been clued into the eagle on the branch above me and probably would have just walked on slightly freaked out by the sudden silence. If something else strange had happened when I got back to my dorm I undoubtedly would have felt that the strange silence in the woods was somehow related, in the absence of the huge yellow and white stain on my jacket. Life is strange. Things happen all the time that are unexpected and bizarre and even otherworldly. We try to relate these things to events in our life and put them in context but most of the time it's just a coincidence. Maybe a moment in which we were on edge anyway because of the other events we are relating too and so we were hyper aware or alert and heard something that otherwise would have gone unnoticed. It's hard to accept that life is that random but if you look at the big picture it becomes easier. If ghosts and spirits were real we would have these types of experiences every time somebody we were close too passed away. We'd look at them as facts supported by long experience as opposed to strange events that might indicate something. We have literally billions of points of reference on this question and only an extremely small fraction suggest there might be some reality involved.
BR4 I totally respect your point of view and I also respect where every other poster on this thread is coming from especially Jet Blue who started this thread ! I will add 2 more cents and just say whether you want to call them spirits or ghosts or any other name matters not what you call them,,,,,,they are very much real .
U folks need to realize there is a parallel galaxy with a parallel solar system and of course, a parallel earth spinning 1 day ahead of us, sending a solar wind which carries all those intuitive feelings and experiences. LOL.
There's a great book called The Drunkard's Walk written by a mathematician that explores randomness and probability and why it seems so counterintuitive to us poor humans
I read that book (I have a degree in statistics. Not advanced, but enough to easily understand his stats-4-masses) 1st, there plenty to disagree with author about. 2nd, randomness and statistics has little to do with topic of this thread
I was going to say I loved that book, and I didn't understand some of what you are referring to as well as you do, but I too thought it was a stretch to apply that book to the ideas in this thread.
His math is fine, but his logic is flawed. Sorta like Truth's idea of "don't know, can't disprove = God, per science". It's like he is trying to use solid math to support pre-set agenda. "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- that's from one sharp Brit more than 100 years ago My post yesterday was just from my impressions from what I recalled. I just took a quick look and there are 2-3 logical fallacies just in introduction to the book. I can't access it from work, but maybe will give examples when I get home later today.
my favorite insight from the book is to apply it to sports. Peyton Manning isn't a "choker" because he lost a few playoff games. In a given game countless random events can occur often beyond his contol. But over the course of his career, something he could control and is less random in context, he was a great QB. You shouldn't need a book for that idea but there is a lot of idiots out there.
There are no coincidences there are synchronicities if you dig Carl Jung. That's about all I will say on this subject because it will get WAY too controversial.
LOL, you are not human when you die. You are spirit having a temporary human experience. I shouldn't even touch this thread because it won't end well I know it.
Holy shit you are going to try and explain everything in life with facts? Do you understand how limited our knowledge is at this point in time as human beings? There is some phenomena that we do not have the ability to explain at this point in time or perhaps ever, so your going to dismiss it because there is no "factual" evidence to support it? What an existence.