Most people only get a few weeks of vacation time per year, not 3+ months. (Nor should they get 3+ months of vacation time. But if you "need time to find yourself" then a 2 or 3 week vacation probably won't do the trick.)
Nothing wrong with dogs, or really loving your dogs. Telling me you think your dogs are you're own personal equivalent to live human children is what makes me think you must be a narcissistic nitwit who probably is better off not attempting to be a real parent. (That's not directed at you specifically, Browning, just in general, I hope that's clear).
Thankfully employment is at will instead of indentured servitude so any time you feel you just don't want to work you can Audi 5000. You won't even have a shortage of credit card companies willing to finance your lifestyle for the short term.
And we people who choose not to have kids and have pets instead would happily backhand someone for insisting pets aren't family. The kind of people who use BS excuses about their kids to get out of work are the same idiots who brag about what they do. As for you, you certainly have quite the temper. Do you have such short patience with your children? I'd hate to think about the upbringing they are dealing with. Having kids isn't special. Most of the population can do it. So when parents think they are some special class of citizen, it irks everyone else because it just makes you seem like an entitled jerk.
I have a dog. I'll take a vacation off to take her to the vet, just like I'll take a day to take care of the kids. But when push comes to shove, it's a dog, the bitch will die and I won't blink.
You dumb ass... HAVING kids is not special. RAISING them is. Caring for a child, especially newborn is miles different than feeding and walking your bitch. You're too dumb to comprehend it, so it's a good thing you don't have any. Tie your tubes, Nancy.
Pets are NOT family. Pets are fuzzy vermin you adopt. Children are orders of magnitude ahead of pets. And I don't even like kids or modern entitled parents.
I force rank my kids on a quarterly basis and for more than a few quarters (once consecutively) I had my dog ranked above one of my kids. _
It might not be special but it's important and our society has acknowledged it as such when it provides opportunities for parents to spend time with children but doesn't provide equal opportunity to walk a dog.
Ok, so why does everyone have to be an asshole about it? I specifically state it's a dick move to use kids as an excuse to ditch work when there's nothing wrong with kids. Then everyone gets their panties in a twist because they think that's an attack on all parents (special snowflake syndrome) so they have to attack me and my dog to feel better about not being special anymore.
Pretty lucky that my work let me take 3 months off to travel, only 6 months into working there and like 2 weeks into getting a permanent contract. Definitely worth it, though whether a company would do it depends on manager styles, and whether your skillset is valued.
If you need more than three weeks to reflect on your life, you should not be holding a full time job in the first place.
Maternity leave is a medical necessity and usually paid for by short term disability. Laws protect the employee from losing her job while out on maternity the same way they would if she broke a leg or had treatment for a medical issue. If the author thinks she should qualify for short term disability because she needs to find herself she has a diluted view of the world
YOU don't so how the fuck do you know which excuse is BS and which is not?! I find it amazing that you are giving all the benefit of the doubt to Jihad terrorists killing innocent people but you have no tolerance for your fellow Americans and their kids. You need to check your priorities. Better yet, move to Iran
Do you just have a random insult generator to make things up or do you just randomly pick from a hat? And is it because you are too lazy to actually debate or just don't know how to? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Don't want to answer why you have more sympathy toward terrorists than American parents, resort to character assassination?