Wtf are you talking about? Now you're being factually incorrect but reality has never been your strong suit. You are starting to bore me. My lack of response to your next delusion is bc I didn't read it not bc you said anything meaningful. I will continue to watch the draft live in Chicago with my hot girlfriend while you continue to be the most delusional person I've ever come across. Some of your posts still make me laugh so thank you for that. I'll leave you with this though, I did respect ONE of your posts (assuming it wasn't a sarcastic comment) and I relied to it stating so. Ps Blew has other meanings besides a blow job. Ie. You blow at making sane arguments. You've blown every chance to sound smart. Re: the game of life... You blew it.
Good for Cruz, he's still an asshole with no shot, but he's right. Almost like he's criticizing Trump's reaction to the protesters, though.
Man, the ratfuckers are out in force in this election. No surprise given the stakes but I thought we ditched those guys 40 years ago.
Whether it has another meaning is not relevant, we are talking about what it means to you within the context of the closeted homosexuality your expressing while also expressing clear homophobia. In this thread alone you have expressed a fantasy of our being together sexually, thinly veiled by attempting project that to me; as well as have mocked men showering together which is only mocked by homophobics when accusing others, derogatorily, as being homosexuals. One can only put those together in context to how you use blew in regard to the name to interpret it as further homosexual expressions on your part. The problem is you express both homosexual desires as well as mock scenarios of men together which is only done in the context of mocking homosexuality. That's classic closeted insecurity. Does your girlfriend know about these desires? You don't have to pretend here. Your identity is anonymous and this is a safe space. It's pretty obvious you're a closeted homosexual conservative. You don't have to be ashamed. You don't have to be hateful and lash out against those things your are trying to hide. Your new clothes aren't that nice, emperor, we all see you prancing around in your birthday suit even if you want to believe otherwise. If you were straight, you'd know straight men aren't so insecure as to have to exclaim they are watching the NFL draft with their girlfriend to prove it. Something tells me you play "I have a girlfriend who lives in Canada" on a loop.
Notice how you couldn't include any quotes? That's bc it's all in your head. You have shown time and time again how delusional you are. At the end of the day, it's as simple as this: I think you're a delusional & crazy piece of shit. I live in Manhattan. If I were gay, I would be open. If I was a conservative, I probably would be in the closet bc The City doesn't take kindly to judgy & irrational people like yourself (although we are sympathetic to your handicap and we have organizations to help). I notice you've been on the board for a long time and have a ton of posts but so very few "likes". Maybe you're angry bc you're not liked very much irl either. I'm just hypothesizing but it makes sense.
This is a lot of words from someone not going to reply. Did you "girlfriend" leave and you turn off "the draft?" You're a schoolgirl that punches the boy she has a crush on hoping nobody notices she likes him. You're transparent. Though its curious you would whine about my lack of quotes to support my post then claim I'm delusional without any quotes to back it up. Not being aware of your own hypocrisy would be a pretty good indicator of your own delusion. But, holy shit dude, let's be serious for a moment. The fact that you are actually defending your sexuality against my absurd post reflects how emotionally unstable and how much of a hysteric you are. Nothing I wrote in that post deserved any defense, and here you are doing just that. How insecure are you to do such a thing? I would say you're embarrassing yourself but clearly nobody even pays you any attention on this board which is why you are so desperate for my attention.
The original ratfucker: I wonder who has been hired to dog the campaigns of Trump and Sanders this time around?
Trump leads Clinton in new national poll.
Rasmussen is consistently biased in the Presidential polling. They had W up by 4.5% going into the voting in 2000 and Romney up by 1% in 2012. They were off by upwards of 4% both times. They had a very tight race in 2008 that they then shifted to a minor landslide for Obama a few weeks before the election. They also called W's re-election correctly and by the right margin, They use a lot of automated direct dial polling. I'm not that concerned about this poll at this point. It's likely to be off in Trump's favor by quite a bit given 2000 and 2012. If you'd believed them in September of 2008 the race between Obama and McCain was 48-48.
If Cruz can't deny Trump delegates in Indiana it will be hard to maintain his attempts to deny them elsewhere. If Trump gets another big haul of delegates out of the state how exactly are his opponents going to prevent him from reaching 1,237 before the convention? It's really a bad situation for the GOP establishment because letting Trump be the nominee may damage the party in November but it's going to kill the current status quo either way. However using transparently foul methods to deny him the nomination will split the party in all likelihood.