Les Bowen on twitter said that Jaylon Smith has a drop-foot problem that hasn't improved since the combine.
Poor kid. They wouldn't take La'el Collins last year, I wouldn't be surprised if no one drafts him at all
For umpteenth time: You just do not draft an injury risk with day 1 picks. [1/2 and early 3rd] If you REALLY think this is THE pick, I would suggest you look no further than Dee Milliner. Tell me you STILL want to draft this kid. [And I'll bash your head into the wall until you can get some senses into that thick skull.]
YIKES! If true, that is indeed disturbing. Smith is a lot younger and in much better shape than I could have ever even conceived of being, but I'm going on a year and half of pain and recovering from a pinched femoral nerve. It definitely affects how I walk and move. If he had to learn to walk differently, he will run differently, which at the very least could slow him down, and at worst, could cause extra wear, tear and stress on his ankle, knee, hip, ligaments, tendons and muscles. If that is really the case, then I don't think I'd use anything above a 4th round pick on him. You may only get 1-2 years out of him before he has to retire, or you may not even get that. The healing of the nerve will also be affected by all the stress and hits that Smith will take. One false step or hit at the wrong angle, or the build up of all the hits and stress and it would be back to ground zero or may permanently injure it.
This Jaylon Smith story is a prime example of why professional sports leagues should not have an age minimum. College Football generates more dollars than every pro sports league outside of the NFL which is absurd considering the players get paid NOTHING! And yet what's even more alarming is that the NFL is in cohorts with the NCAA so that college football players can become Stars prior to joining the league.
If the foot drop is the result of injuring a peripheral nerve, his recovery could take anywhere from 18-24 months. If this is what he injured, I don't think he will be drafted.
Somebody will take him, probably with a comp pick..he still has more potential than most 6th-7th rounders do.
Exactly, someone will pick up his rights with a low round pick and ir him for a year or two if necessary just for the chance of recovery. A majority of 5th and 7th rounders wash out in training camp so its a very low risk high reward drafting, I hope he is there with our last pick of the draft and we take him.
http://www.usatoday.com/story/sport...aylon-smith-knee-nerve-injury-draft/83416394/ A checkup by NFL teams last weekend in Indianapolis showed Smith remains unable to raise his left foot or swing it out to the side because of an issue with his peroneal nerve. But the "foot-drop" isn't a surprise at this stage, said his surgeon, Dr. Dan Cooper, who is “optimistic that his knee itself will be stable and a good knee and he’ll get all his strength back. And I also think he has a very good chance of getting his nerve recovery back.”
Round 4 at the very earliest.. Doesn't matter if he's the next Ray Lewis. An injury that serious that is potentially career threatening is not worth a round 1-3 gamble.
if you had 34th to the cowboys you won!!!! hate to see him go to the cowboys but find it interesting they used a top 5 second rounder on him. they said on the coverage that the guy who did his surgery is their dr and that they expect him to have a 10 year career they just aren't sure how soon it will start. if he comes out healthy at some point it will be huge to get 2 top 5 talents out of one draft for the cowgirls.