That guy is a fckn piece of work isn't he? Want's to date men but only after reassignment surgery. WTF..... In Greek mythology, there were "Sirens" that used to lure sailors to their deaths. I wonder if Kardashian women aren't modern day versions. They certainly seem to be made of Kryptonite.. A great read into "bringing jobs back to America" aka: Pipe Dreaming 101
You can bring jobs back to America by making goods produced using practices that are illegal in America illegal for sale in America. You can bring jobs back to America by restoring executive compensation back to the level it was at when jobs were plentiful in this country. You can bring jobs back to America by taxing revenue that companies get by selling goods manufactured in other countries to Americans in America no matter where that revenue eventually winds up recorded. Basically multi-national corporations are ruling the roost at this point and they've figured out how to circumvent 1st world labor laws and regulations and how to hide profits in overseas tax shelters and they've done all of this so that they can pay top management absurd salaries for kiting the share prices as high as they can get them using those dodges. Fix the system so it is fair to Americans and jobs will start to come back into the country. If the corporations instead want to leave the country, well then you setup tariffs that make the goods they sell here competitive with American made goods but not cheaper than and not better than. Currently they're mostly (consumer electronics aside) cheaper than but not better than American produced goods.
Sounds all well and good but not when you have assholes working fast food jobs begging for $15 an hour. Americans would never work what illegals work for and can make more on welfare. And thats the problem. There's too much damage already done to fix it now. Why would any company (not Fortune 500 but construction based etc) pay someone $12 an hour when they can pay someone for $5 who doesnt know the language and isnt going to bitch about benefits. AND work harder? Its unethical but the people running those businesses dont care. These ideas that are floating around now should've been brought up in the late 80's early 90s when it was at its beginning. Trump doesnt handle himself very well IMO but he's bringing these ideas up and making people question the government.
You keep blaming the companies, but isn't it the government imposed regulations that motivate them to leave in the first place? Everyone is looking out for their own interests at the end of the day. US regulations make US labor too expensive motivating companies to use cheaper labor in countries with little to no regulation. You're suggesting that problems caused by government regulation can only be solved by more regulation. I'm not saying you're wrong, but it doesn't sound very promising to me. Even if more regulations to fix the problems regulations cause is the solution, how exactly would you go about regulating max salaries for executives? Are you going to impose a maximum wage?
No, it's not the government imposed regulation that motivates them to leave. It's the fact that corporations are effectively tables in a giant casino and the stock market drives companies to endlessly try to raise profits even when they are destroying communities in the process. Capitalism is a failed endeavor now that it has reached the end-stage of endless cannibalism of the cultures it inhabits. It migrates from country to country with it's advocates preaching creative destruction, when in fact all they are doing is destroying the cultures they inhabit and then moving on the fresher ground. It's not creative destruction. It's scorched earth sucking of profits for the bottom line and damn whatever else that causes. Yeah, companies move to places where they can pollute and exploit and get away with whatever raises the bottom line and to hell with what that does to society.
Capitalism is the greatest economic system ever int the history of humanity, because of capitalism we have many of the innovations that we enjoy today. Br4d you are a fucking idiot if you actually believe this shit. You think we would have any of the wonderful innovations if you have your precious government controlling everything the way that you would want them to just because you think that capitalism is "mean".
lol the young nebraskan is an expert in economic systems now. You live in a state that would be a toilet bowl if not for (anti-capitalist) government subsidies to the corn industry. I believe in capitalism for the most part but considering the source and the strong claims in it this post is hilarious
for those who were concerned
Ted Cruz would be the sorriest excuse for a candidate if he wasn't running against the sorriest excuse for a candidate.
It may not even be his fault. I'd bet 90% of his diet is GMO and preservatives. We should pity him. He's a bag of chemicals wrapped in skin. It's actually amazing that he can type, walk around, and consume products directed at retards.