Because 14 mil wasnt on the table in my opinion. What player in their right mind is retiring from that amount of money?
Lest anyone be dumb enough to think Brick retired from the entire game of football because the Jets wanted him to take a paycut, remember that Brick had a very strong stance on his health after seeing Concussion:
What are you talking about? Honestly. Every post of yours is either wrong or you backtracking. Also: Those darn Jets and their paycut requests, forcing players into retirement and whatnot!
mo of course the Jets asking him to take a paycut played a role. I'm sure he's thought about retiring before but if it had nothing to do with the paycut negotiations he would've retired immediately after the loss in Buffalo. It played a role. No one knows how much of a role but your argument with the Irish fan is stupid. You are both kinda right
Dude I could post tons of links that would backup my point too. Its clear I posted something about trading Mo , you didnt like that , and been silly about it ever since. If you think the possible paycut played no role in this decision than I cant argue any further.
Yeah... i thought he'd be down to take the pay cut... guess this shakes up our draft plans a tad bit? lol
A few people have now said that this was on the table for a while. Why would him being asked to take a paycut make him RETIRE? He could still make that money elsewhere. It's not like it's Jets or bust for him.
It does seem like BS but probably a necessary rule so cheating teams like the Patriots dont use it as a loop hole. Have a guy announce his retirement in March, voiding everything about his long term contract, and then come out of retirement in August on a team friendly 1 year deal. Belichick would be all about that if he could
It has nothing to do with "not liking" and plenty to do with "how are they related" especially when your answer is based around assuming we'll net a first rounder and then nail the pick.
duh. so its just a coincidence that he announces his retirement in April, the week they ask him to take a paycut? people make decisions for a myriad of reasons, not just one. I think its dumber to think he retired because he saw a movie than to think a paycut request didnt play a role. But like I said you guys are both probably kinda right and the back and forth is stupid
Never said we would nail the pick. But if we had an extra 1st , somewhere in the 9-15 range , we would have a very good shot at either Stanley or Conklin and focus on defense with our original pick. And save an extra 15 mil in cap space in the process.
"Something in the works"? Injury proned Ryan Clady perhaps? He's the only somewhat quality LT that's available I can think of since the Browns have expressed they will not trade Thomas. Hate to have to give up a draft pick for Clady who I think will ultimately get cut anyway.
I never said it didn't play a role did I? Honest question, don't feel like back reading. Either way, of course it played some sort of role but the notion that he retired because of the Jets requests is absurd and unfortunately it seems like some people think that's the case. Not you, but some. And in what scenario have you seen us landing a top 15 pick for Mo without having to give up the 20th pick along with him?