I will be watching as I came of age during that decade. Old enough to know what was going on and able to experience it. I don't expect a lot of you to get it but for us old dawgs, it should be an interesting watch. I was 25 in 1980 and hit the clubs and partook in other things the 80's were known for. It was also during the decade that my mom died and forced me to grow up quickly as the safety net was just about gone. Very personal/transitional time for me so I'll be watching tonite. Trip down memory lane....
Enjoyed it. Brought back a lot of memories. It's a 3 part series so record it if you miss it. You'll like the trip down memory lane. They even got into "who shot JR"
Hey. Could have been worse. They could have sent you to North Dakota. At least in Nebraska you have the Huskers.
And what else do you have? What is it that gives you that false superiority complex? How did you get to your level of arrogance at such a young age? What is so good in your cornhusker life that all of us must have missed along the way? How does a guy from Bumfuck have all the answers? I'm envious. Not really.
Ahem..... Looks like the series is on Thursday evenings at 9pm for those interested. Part II is up this coming thursday.