No one cares about non Americans or non Western Europeans. Pakistan's army finally going to start cracking down on this garbage....Would have been nice to do it much sooner....
Two simple reasons to a fairly dense question: (a) because instead of starting one, you decided to whiff at a point here in this thread; and (b) because, as the saying goes, "dog bites man" is not news. Which only serves to underscore the first reason. Kind of funny - maybe you unwittingly made a point after all.
Brussels attacks: Belgium releases terror murder suspect Belgians. Heh. What a useless bunch of putzes.
Oh dear, you think that's actually true. Pakistan's government gives zero fucks. There's been such an abundance of tragedies like this in Pakistan and not once did it change ISI's attitude or the government's. They aren't going to do shit this time either.
No wonder we are message board alliance partners. I think Trump should make Farage Sec of State. And Gary Johnson head of the DEA.
But I'd vote Farage over Trump any day of the week. And, don't be surprised if I find a way to weasel myself a Brexit vote. Next time you see me, I just might be H. Barnaby St. Smithins of East Piddlewank, Lower Nottinghamshire.
Whoah whoah whoah. Let's not get carried away. But Western Civilization depends on me being adaptable.
"But a judge found there was no evidence to justify holding him, the prosecutor's office said." Laws? Who needs them...
Dead bodies, usually gives pause to "would be " asassins. The sentence in your quote leaves more holes than a round of swiss cheese to an anti-Gov't skeptic.
Drumpf is tame in the radical Islam agenda, imo. If it was up to me not would only all 'interesting' Mosques be under surveillance, but every coward like Tsarnaev would be force fed Natty Light and ham sandwiches as their last meal, and then be put down by a woman. That's how I'd do it.
Lol, Natty Daddy. It's been a while since I've been in college man. We used to buy that stuff all the time. 5 big ones for 5$ deal. You're right though, it tastes worse than Natty Light