According to Ted Cruz, they are all shadowy members of Trumps campaign, helping to inspire xenophobia to get him elected. I think it's a textbook A6 scenario.
Being in Cuba? Ignoring Easter. Bringing Somali refugees here Bringing Syrian refugees here yep. Obama's fault
The blonde says No, I am not, and Yes, you are. Remember, you shag a goat on the edge of a cliff, so it keeps backing up.
Who are the ladies in the avatar. If they are family, I will not make the perfect joke that came to my mind Love you Hobbes. You are a great guy except you love Sanchez and you are a stinking Republican.
I don't know the brunette. The blonde is my honey, the buckeye bunny. Also, I am not a Republican. That's insulting. I am a Libertarian/Conservative. But, in a 2 party system, I am forced to vote closest to those principles. Democrats are one of two things. 1.Outright Communists. (See Obama,Cuba) Brook, I love you like a pretty sheep.
The thread police were waiting on an announcement from the President. We'll be starting that thread right after the Benghazi thread.
It's not really a threat though, as Tsarnaev found out. We WILL fucking kill you if the federal laws allow us to. If you want to take life, don't expect to end up in a 5 star prison reading the Koran 24/7 here, even in Boston. Pandering to these pieces of shit does nothing anyways, as Europe is finding out.
Liberals like to ACT concerned. doing something, actually falls outside of their ken. Remember the Darfur signs? what would have happened if Bush said, I've seen your signs in Montclair NJ, and the Upper east side. I am sending the 82nd Airborne division to Darfur, immediately
Especially the ones who blow themselves up while taking out a bunch of Christians for celebrating Easter.