And it needs to be carried out by Muslims. Like Ninja Muslims killing Muslim terrorists. It can't be America or western forces like Seal Team 6 or the British SAS or Israeli Mossad because that will just inflame things even worse. The only people who can stem this tide are the people within. Get some badass Arabs with fucking sabres and whips and shit to fuck these guys up. And film it and say "we're Muslim fucks and we will fuck your shit up if you continue this insanity. And we're going to wipe out your families too." Allah fuckbar! _
Except for most of the Muslims being peaceful normal people who would never do any sort of murderous shit...
Lol. Lots of Pentecostals blowing up airports and Mormons blowing up subways and Jews blowing up restaurants and Hindus blowing up train stations and Buddhists blowing up office buildings and.... just fucking stop. _
This brings up a really good point. I bet the Japanese have either a really efficient or a really fun way of killing their criminals. It's worth a looksee.
Sweet. Wait. What's a chamber? Never mind. Doesn't matter. I think if we added a sweetener and made this a David Carradine event, we might have something. And maybe we can even save money on those chamber thingies.
I love the "the Muslims blowing up innocents aren't really Muslims" bullshit excuse. If these fake Muslims are claiming to be Muslims and are murdering innocents in the fake name of their fake fucking God then REAL fucking Muslims need to make these FAKE fucking Muslims stop. REAL Muslims need to slaughter every last FAKE Muslim and slaughter ALL of their fake fucking Muslim families and wipe their FAKE fucking Muslim asses off the face of the earth. Western society can't stop this. MUSLIMS need to stop this. _
Perhaps you don't understand how religions work, but slaughtering people is generally unacceptable in every main religion.
Perhaps you don't understand how civilization SHOULD work. Muslims real or fake are killing innocents. Muslims needs to slaughter the "fake" Muslims carrying out these atrocities. All of them. And their families. Off the face of the Earth. _
Cool. Just a smarter way of saying it. I like that. It sells better. Plus, when we kill criminals it'll sound much better doing it in a Carradine Chamber. Mind you don't slip on the floor.
Thinking loud here. If Western secret services wanted to send a message and organized some type of attacks in following rich countries feeding Sunni terror groups, what do you think would happen? 2-3 attacks in Saudi Arabia 2-3 attacks in Qatar 2-3 attacks in Bahrain 2-3 attacks in Kuwait Problem solved?
Who are these "real" Muslims? And why are you calling terrorists "fake" Muslims? I've worked with some non-radical Muslims and I never saw them pray. But shouldn't a real Muslim pray 5 times a day? I am fairly certain that those terrorists do pray 5 times a day and they do so at a mosque, which is what a real Muslim is obligated to do. So, maybe the terrorists are real Muslims, whereas most of the moderate ones are not.
There are folks here who claim that radical Muslim terrorist fucks killing innocents are not real Muslims. That they may be "fake" Muslims. Apologists mind you. _