it's not possible to have a conversation with you. I was simply trying to figure out whether you acknowledged a basic fact. I don't care enough to struggle communicating with someone on here. you make the attempt nothing but frustrating. have fun bloviating.
Make all the excuses you wouldn't know a "basic fact" if it jumped up and bit you on the got nothin'.
Even now, Big Boner is writing a passage in his private dork blog about Lil Boner Raletard. He'll keep it to himself, because gay message board alliances are beneath him.
Keeping track of the kids is a fulltime job. Important to offer a little positive reinforcement. The real question is: who are we training to be the next Dread Pirate Boner when it's time to retire and move down to Patagonia?
Honest question. Does not every smartphone today have autocorrect? I know we all learned the "i before e except after c" but can you really spell grief as "greif" on a modern smartphone? I mean, without actually clicking yes when given the option "Did you really fucking mean 'greif'?" _
This is total bs. No one is saying "moderate" equals "impeccable credentials". He is/has BOTH. Harvard, Harvard Law, Law Review, clerked for Judge Friendly, then for Brennan, experience in private practice, as a prosecutor, put on the DC Circuit by bipartisan Senate vote. I've read about his opinions and he is not a liberal. To the left of Scalia? Sure. So? So what herd do you belong to? The one that prefers snarky and condescending comments to ones based on substance? What is your problem with the guy, on the merits? Maybe you can find out from one of your "sources".
I believe he's the queen of some gay practice alliance. Could be off on that, though. Maybe just a rough go for me.
This is my favorite part of the thread. When Blocker runs out into the internet street naked yelling at the police.
Don't you know? He's a counselor. He reads legal documents all day long. Sort of. Actually, he pretends to read them while he acts superior on a fansite, then collects a check for not doing his job. We should all be so fortunate.