what a great list of accomplishments for someone who's had 20+ years political career! joking aside, I didn't know she killed Osama, really impressive, especially since that must have been when she was under sniper fire.
You said 5, so I gave you 5. Im sure she has done a lot more. I dont even like her, but I would take just about anyone over Trump. Anyone who played the tiniest part of killing that fuck has my respect. I know a lot of people who lost loved ones that day, myself included.
I didn't say anything. NotSatoshi asked you for her top 5 and that's your top 5. Pretty pathetic. Especially weak since she's on record backing the Iran deal.
Youre right, it was someone else, my apologies. But back up your pathetic comment with something of value. Give me examples of your top 5 accomplishments for Trump or Bush or whoever you support/supported Rebuilding my home city, and helping children get medical care is far from pathetic
Our current GM had no GM experience either. Idzik had more experience than him when he was hired. The only point was that experience doesn't mean you're better for the job. I am not here to defend Trumps ability to lead.
getting money from the government Im pro trump cuz he's destroying the GOP, an accomplishment hitlery would sell her soul for if she had one. I don't vote Im a pessimistic libertarian
Not always, but if you need heart surgery, are you going to go with a surgeon who has experience, or one that doesn't? If you're framed for murder, which lawyer are you going to pick? The one who has successfully defended people before, or someone straight out of school?
If Karl Marx was alive today, he would laugh his ass off at you. "just a guise" - well if you say so it must be true.
If Karl Marx was alive today you'd probably suck his communist dick, sharing it equally of course with everybody else.
Give me a fucking break...What has Drumpf shown in terms of specifics? I hear the same trash every fucking time from him. He is literally a one sentence soundboard. He can't give specifics on anything other then throw big ass boisterous remarks that he can fix this the country and ridiculous demands/statements without any proper accounting estimates and him saying"he's got the right people" + "believe me" They could both be Shit Option A and Shit Option B, but there is a huge gap between both people. Hillary has done tons of work that may be good to others, but you are totally against it because...Clinton. Stick to the benghazi and her emails as the same spiel time and time again though, because Drumpf is a demi-God compared to her. He switches his mind on things faster then anyone I know. One day he will want to nuke some country in a act of vengeance, then it will be a regretful decision that he won't be able to take back after he acts. A Total Disaster.
This is no surprise to me. Graham wants total war, and Cruz is a big fan of tearing up papers on day 1 in front of the American audience. They both also don't like the CaH-Meh-Knee
One of the things that Trump fans don't get is his act will get old very quickly. Narcissistic blowhards might be amusing for a bit, but it gets old. And once he gets boring, it will stay that way.