She can call herself anything she wants MS. But she isn't a socialist. She had a rich father. She went to top academy in high school, she went to Ivy League. You can't find anything in her life that can be shown as an example to being a socialist. She is a liberal but she is also slave of the money. Please. You can curse socialists other ways. Don't insult them by anointing a phony like Hillary a socialist.
Where has she ever called herself a progressive and where the hell did that term come from any way? I always thought progress was a good thing, you know moving forward in a positive direction. Do we really have people out there who want to regress?
I think that's backwards. Trump will do anything for power. There's a reason he has Hitler books on his nightstand. Even if he got the from his "Jew" friend. That Nazi salute he does at his rallies? That's not for America, that is for him, for his ego. People in general are a gullible bunch of idiots. The fact that he has no knowledge of foreign policy, or even a team of advisers regarding foreign policy is ridiculous. He has already insulted half of the world leaders. He can show a video of Clinton barking all he wants, all she needs to do is show some of his tweets. Like the one he wrote about the German chancellor . I don't see how he wins a general election when 50% of the population straight up fuckin hates him. Personally, I hope he gets screwed out of a nomination and people riot, so I can kick some racist Nazi ass.
Cuz he's a troll and a clown. I still don't think of him as a real candidate, even though he's now the overwhelming favorite to win the Republican nomination. He's not even really a Republican. He's a racist Democrat.
She calls herself that nonstop. In the 1700's and 1800's what you described would have been the meaning of progressive, progress away from barbarity toward higher civilization. In the 1900's the term was adopted in reference to the concept that progress was being stopped by a large gap between the wealthy and the poor due to monopolies and unregulated capitalism. This gave rise to the Progressive era in America that sought to eliminate political and economic corruption in theory reducing the huge inequalities between the classes. The problem is after 80 years of that effort the term now is just a guise to cover the governments Marxist March towards socialism.
Lol foreign policy knowledge we just had a guy run the country for 8 years who's only foreign policy experience was writing newsletters for business international during 1983 as a research assistant.
Well, at least the world actually has favorable views on Obama Right now the rest of the world is looking at us like we are a bunch of fools for even letting this tiny orange man get this far, and they are right. All he has done so far is show how many uneducated, misinformed and racist people actually live in this country
Im not a huge fan of Hillary, but she has more experience in 1 cunt hair than Trump has in his whole body.
I can't imagine anything that means less than whether or not the world loves the United States president. Does it equate to a safer world? Fairer trade? Your morning news would suggest not. Bashar Assad must be one of the biggest Obama fans going. The Syrian people, not so much. Everyone, everywhere and always acts first in self-interest.
I am sure the rest of the world loved when Merkel opened Germany's borders and let all those Muslims in. So what? Now they are deep in trouble. If the rest of the world loves you, it doesn't mean squat.
John Idzik has more GM experience than most people, does that mean he's good at it? What are her top 5 accomplishments?
Not in any particular order The Pediatric Research Equity Act Crippling sanctions against Iran Securing $21 billion in federal aid to help New York rebuild after 9/11 The SCHIP program which expanded health coverage to millions of lower-income children Her role in killing Osama bin Laden. Now you tell me what Trumps 5 biggest accomplishments are?
Haven't you been keeping up? Trump tweeted something bad about Merkel and now all Hillary needs to do to beat him is retweet it to show everyone how bad he is.
And John Idzik is a bad example. He was a cap guy who was given a chance at GM and completely fucked everything up. I would say thats more of a comparison to Trump. Hes a business man, who would be given a shot a President, only to fuck everything up.