Right. So, let's say Trump has 1,100 delegates and Cruz has 700. If they nominate Cruz at that point, or pick someone who didn't event run, it might not end well.
Ok.. Now Trump just threatened riots if he's not made the GOP candidate for POTUS.. http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/16/politics/donald-trump-ted-cruz-brokered-convention/index.html I guess Trump isn't above a little punk-ass thuggery himself... Heil Trump!!
I can't stand Trump but let's not get carried away. He said that if he went into the convention with a sizable or significant lead and the establishment gave the nominee to someone else, that a lot of people would be angry and could quite possibly riot. He is not calling for or threatening riots, and he is probably right given the current political climate.
If it goes to convention there is a ZERO percent chance Trump gets the nomination. The party feels as threatened as they ever have with him running (and winning) right now.
if trump goes into the convention with a huge delegate lead they'd be handing clinton the presidency by not giving trump the nomination. they'd also lose a huge portion of their base for good. it would pretty much be party suicide.
The only way they can "win" is if they let Trump run against Clinton and he loses badly without any third party candidates that they might be thinking about. Then Trump goes away for good and they have their party and status quo back.
This couldn't be more wrong. Absolutely - it would be the end of the GOP A unique way to look at it, but you are probably right, they lose the election but have a chance to save the party.
So basically they are handing HRC the presidency regardless. If he doesn't get the nomination outright or if he doesn't get it thru convention the voters will be pissed. He isn't beating her anyways. All I know is that All these Trump fanatics who are voting for him in the primary better go out and vote for him in the actual election. Don't win the battle then lose the War.
Actually he can beat her and that's what they are afraid of. If he wins it all, they are finished and their nest will be destroyed for good. The GOP has no chance against her with anyone else and they know it but they can live with her in the White House, as they will still have their cushy permanent jobs (the party).
IMO, Clinton and it isn't even close. Turning your backs on the people who allow you to do what you do freely is the most disgraceful thing I have ever seen in my life. I would rather gauge my eyes out then cast a vote for her.
I think a lot of people are starting to think enough is enough, it's time to get behind trump and let's focus on the general. it's going to be extremely difficult for cruz to best trump at this point and kasich has no chance. the only way cruz can win is if he consistently gets a huge boost from rubio voters
Which is the only chance the GOP has from keeping Trump out of the nomination. Lesser of 2 evils for them?
Trump will beat Hillary. Republican turnouts are up, democratic turnouts down. I don't think Hillary will win against Trump. If Republican party wants to shoot themselves in the leg, they will steal this away from Trump and live with the consequences.