I think this generation is different--I don't think people today are becoming MORE religious as they get closer to the end of their lives. _
You can't have an omniscient god AND have free will. They are mutually exclusive concepts. Either we have "free will" and god is not all knowing since we control our own destiny, or god IS all knowing, but free will is a charade and we do not control it. Pick one, you can't have both (logically).
well, he better not judge me on judgement day if he is all knowing and knew in advance about me. you cant create a guy like me, then toss strippers and cocaine into the mix, not to mention i suck at math, and not know my life would totally derail at one point haa haa! he cant judge if he already knew that in advance. he made me. he gave me my addictions, thanks God! ( i stole the above)
We are not having a discussion with God. We are mere mortals having a discussion about God and organized religion and specifically the Roman Catholic Church. I accept God. That's not what's being discussed. _
That makes him a colossal asshole. If he is a benevolent god, he would use his magical, mystical powers to lead you along a path of righteousness. It's almost as if this magical sky daddy doesn't even exist and is a human construct.
God's story is hard to believe. At the heart of it is His Son named Jesus who was killed, buried, and then three days later was seen walking around town. If someone told a story like that about someone today, I probably wouldn't believe it either.
So you're saying that THE God is the God of the Bible. The one brought to us most vociferously by the Catholic Church. So I'll ask you--can you believe in God, the God of the Catholic Church, believe in Jesus Christ, believe it with all your heart if you don't believe ALL the things the Catholic Church preaches? Can you be a good Catholic, believe in God, accept him--even though you don't believe chapter and verse of everything the Vatican and it's cronies tell you to believe? Can you be a member of the flock even though you refuse to be a sheep? _
you got that straight boss! his quickness to violence, his need to be worshipped, way too close to home in regards to human characteristics. he's so man made its embarrassing. any God that's afraid of new ideas is no creator whatsoever.
Unbelievable things are hard to believe. Out of the thousands of documented gods, why is the guy who sacrificed himself to save us from himself,the real god?
Yahweh is simply a god who speaks with the voice of frightened tribal desert and cave dwelling barbarians. To even think of applying their codes of conduct in this day and age is suicide. could you imagine us today trying to tell people 2000 years from now how to live? Outside of be kind to your fellows, and the basic goodness we all know already without the help of religion.
Get up in the morning slaving for bread, sir So that every mouth can be fed Poor me Israelites My wife an' my kids them a pack up an' a leave me Darlin' she said, "I was yours to be seen" Poor me Israelites Shirt dem a tear-up trousers a go I don't want to end up like Bonny and Clyde Poor me Israelites After a storm there must be a calm You catch me in your farm, you sound your alarm Poor me Israelites