Just saw that Cruz is leading in Wake County (Raleigh) by over 10% with less than half of the precincts reporting. That is huge, it is where I live and is a big concentration of the NC population, it mirrors the feeling I have seen out there regarding Trump. Trump is not going to sew this up tonight and it is probably gonna get a lot uglier before it is said and done. Can't wait to sit back with a tub of popcorn and watch this play out, it may go all the way to the convention.
yeah, but to them it's the equivalent of me wasting a $100 at Home Depot on a powertool I'll probably never use..... we both have a useless tool we wasted $ on, ready to work if we need it.
Kasich still the only reasonable choice. Too bad he's fucked. Rubio dropped out. Too late to stop Trump at this point...
Trump wins Illinois. Key thing he is that Trump surprisingly could get alot of Illinois's delegates thus offseting the Ohio loss and making it meaningless...
Looks like Cruz is getting destroyed tonight. Will we hear another "we're the only campaign consistently beating Donald Trump" speech?
It cracks me up how Cruz gets straight up thumped routinely with a random win sprinkled in. I mean shouldn't he at least be competitive in every state?
There goes Cruz... only one campaign has beaten Donald Trump over and over and over again. 0 of 6 today....
I have only voted Republican my whole life. That changes this year I guess. I don't like Cruz, I definitely don't like Trump and Kasich has less of a chance than myself.