running out of ballots. lol
This is why Trump has a good shot of beating Hillary.
I feel the Trump supporters are more likely to jump to Bernie; I don't feel as many Bernie supporters will flock to Trump if it's Trump vs. Clinton. While I believe Bernie's opinion that Trump is a "pathological liar" statement is genuine, I cannot understand why he would voice that at this time when he could benefit most from an anti-establishment split ticket this Fall. He should maintain his Independent posture until the very end instead of sounding like a Democrat. As for qualifications, I've always kept it simple: give me someone with executive experience for the Executive Branch over a legislator. Governor Carter, Governor Reagan, Governor Clinton, Governor Bush; all men who have actually run something. Unfortunately, the people who actually have qualifications in this cycle have severely trailed in this election. As for the Clinton's, being "first" is what it has always been about. It's a partnership that was forged back when the Gennifer Flowers story broke, and has resulted in a multitude of sociopathic events ever since. I loved Hillary up to that point, even said to my wife that I'd vote for Hillary over Bill. But it changed that day. However, given the complexities of this particular Presidential race, I'm finding that I'm at least willing to listen to her for the first time in nearly 25 years (made easier since she's abandoned her bug-eyed screaming shrill rhetoric since the Michigan debacle). I'll give her this though, she's a hard worker and appears to have more conviction in what she believes in than her legal spouse. I'm not sure that will be enough to win me over by November, but I'm willing to listen to her. So like you, I cannot in good conscience (or sobriety) vote for Trump, but haven't completely closed the book on Hillary yet (can't believe I typed that lol). Bernie needs to cease with the Trump rhetoric, unless he miraculously pulls out the Democratic nomination and faces him head to head.
I'd never vote for Bernie. I'd vote for any establishment puppet or a liar/puppet like Hillary before I ever voted for a socialist/communist.
I would. Politics was always about debate and compromise; we've been severely lacking that of late. If someone needs to shake up the establishment I'd rather it be Bernie over Trump. Get elected officials working together again like adults instead of this petulant kindergarten behavior we've been subjected to. It's not as if Bernie would get overwhelming support from Congress or the public for his hair-brained ideas. Get Murica working for us again.
Why are you against socialism/communism in general? Also is Bernie a socialist or a communist? Two different things you know. Don't cheat by googling please,
Why am I against? Because neither works and both lead to corruption of gigantic proportions. We already have plenty of corruption here but it's nothing compared to what would happen if socialists took over. He's a "democratic socialist"... that crap sure as hell works well in some European countries currently overrun by "migrants."
Petro. Corruption is a human nature. it exists in all systems. You still didn't answer my question about the differences but it wasn't the point anyway. Look you are talking big talk against communism but you don't know the number one criticism against it. Communism is against human nature, more so against human greed. That's why communist countries collapsed. My wife is Bulgarian and she was raised in communist Bulgaria. My in laws are still socialist but they accept the fact that communism can't survive because human beings are bastards and greed will collapse the system. I have also been to Bulgaria many times and my first visit was in 1995 right after communism collapsed. Why am I writing this? Because socialism feeds communism but socialism isn't communism either. Bernie's ideals are good on paper and we see a lot of good policies in Europe. You being totally against it is weird. I feel like you don't feel the Bern. Please feel the Bern, will you?
If you asked me in years past if I would ever vote for a socialist to be president I would've said hell no. Now things have changed. I would vote for Bernie if he faced Trump, and I will be voting for Bernie in the New York primaries (assuming that is possible in April). I can't stomach Hillary. I am absolutely not a socialist and I'm not a supporter of his, but what choice do I have?
We seem to be in the same place. It sucks. Very difficult cycle we are in. Call it cutting off your nose to spite your face, but at this point whatever it takes. Where we are now? You have to ask "eh, why not?""
blackmail? If they have something, release it, don't post threats. Cruz is not withdrawing because of this. Guy Fawkes does not forgive.