Anonymous declares 'total war' on Donald Trump Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
Well, well, well... it didn't take long Arrest and prosecute Donald J. Trump for incitement to violence. Legal precedent: Brandenburg v. Ohio.
Surest way to help Trump wrap up the nomination would be for some public official eager for attention to issue an arrest warrant for the guy. The world will be better when there's no longer any such thing as 1Ls or Whitehouse Petitions. And I don't care who you are and what your politics, if you can't crack a smile at Trump ordering his security guys in Vermont to "Take their coats. Don't give them their coats" before kicking out a group of Sanders kids out into the cold, you have no soul.
I guess you will not be surprised to hear that while I think Trump is a borderline fascist and perhaps I am being too generous in saying borderline, it is not right for BernieBros to disrupt his campaign events. Or try to. While the First Amendment protects the right to dissent, I think the law is fairly clear that if a political campaign rents out a space for a rally or speech that they have the right to control what goes on such that their event is not disrupted. A lot of Sanders supporters show a perhaps not surprising level of arrogance and obnoxiousness to people who disagree with them. It probably comes from they way Sanders encourages a certain lack of compromise and an ideological purity that mirrors what has been going on on the GOP side for too long now. Only Clinton and Kasich at this point are reasonable in that regard.
John Oliver's anti-Donald Trump hat campaign became an unexpected hit
We're good at a lot of things. Unfortunately avoiding "blame" for burning down the Reichstag was not one of them.
looks like Hillary vs. Trump in the general election. Interesting part is I'd say both have more people actively dislikeling them than supporting them, but one would have to win since third parties can't even get 5% of the vote.
Bernie would make a good third party candidate. I think the anit-establishment Trump supporters will flock to anti-establishment Bernie once they sober up
First results of the day: Trump gets 73% in the Northern Mariana Islands caucus and gets all 9 delegates.
I'm voting third party if that's what happens for the general election. I'll just look over to see the third party candidates and pick one. I could not in good conscience vote for Trump or Hillary. I legitimately don't understand the appeal for either, really. The only positive for Trump is he's not a politician. I'd rather have my garbageman be president than Trump, though, if that's the rationale. What's the positive for Hillary? That she's female and would be the first "female" president? Truth be told, she's about as feminine as Obama is black. I will say that Hillary's qualifications are a lot more impressive than Obama's were. Obama spent most of his brief Senate tenure running for president and rarely participated in Senate business.