So Rubio wins DC with 37% and Kasich is 36%. The people claiming "there is no so thing as an organized establishment" have some explaining to do.
Video of protesters refusing to obey cops orders getting doused with pepper spray. I like the audio of the one guy - "what the fuck!?" like they're supposed to be able to just run wild and do whatever they please without repercussion. Not surprising considering how things have gone lately.
Lots of lobbyists and staffers getting their votes in. Total votes was 2,839... That result is awful for Robot...Kasich is real competition for him.
So...they just spray a bunch of people behind the barricade? That's fucking retarded to put it gently.
My takeaways from this election cycle so far: Ben Carson and Marco Rubio are SO SMART and would both make great American Presidents!! Unfortunately, Carson didn’t get enough support (partly because the media and the debate format didn’t give him a fair shot). But both of them have great ideas that would work for ALL Americans, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or any other factor. [A rising tide that would lift ALL boats, and give quality job opportunities for all Americans. ] Following those two, but not far behind, would be Ted Cruz and John Kasich. Cruz is also smart, with great ideas, and impeccable integrity (despite the lies from Trump; his record proves his integrity), but his style is actually a little too forceful and “dictatorial.” Instead of teaching people his views in a gentle, non-judgemental way, he comes across as too superficially strong (when in reality, he’s actually weaker than Carson or Rubio I think). And Kasich also has very good ideas, and has done great as the governor of Ohio, but he just lacks that “It” factor to be electable. And the Democratic Candidates, while well-intentioned I’m sure, espouse ideas that just don’t work for anyone in the long run. Ms. Clinton wants to help women (not saying the others don’t, but that’s a big part of her platform) , and she is a strong, successful woman herself, both as a career politician and as a mother and wife; she should be commended for that. But her ideas will not actually help women; in fact some of them will HURT women! And Mr. Sanders also seems to be well-intentioned, but his ideas are even more misguided. While it’s certainly good to be non-judgmental of PEOPLE, we absolutely SHOULD be judgmental of IDEAS; that’s what it means to be a critical thinker after all. The Democrats seem to be afraid or otherwise unwilling to do that, to make the hard choices that are important for the health and freedom/liberation/empowerment of both individuals and the well-being of society as a whole. It’s not “all good”, there are obviously good and bad ideas out there for all people, and the Democrats’ tragic mistake is that they don’t recognize this. …And Trump…..well, where do I begin? LOL … Some things speak for themselves! … Although I will say, he is fighting from a position of weakness right now (we all know that the Democrats are the party of power today in this country). So he is fighting an uphill battle, but he is going about it the wrong way. While his words are sometimes inflammatory, and he bears some responsibility for the rioting, his WORDS don’t excuse the violent behavior from individuals who need to be able to control themselves. They have every right to be angry, but they have no right to get violent, or “break physical” as my students in rehab might say. And I could be wrong about this, but I really don’t think Trump is racist. I think he wants to help ALL AMERICANS and protect their jobs from any illegal immigrants, regardless of race. I don’t like Trump personally; he comes across as an uneducated bully, and I don’t think he will beat Ms. Clinton. But if he does, the hope is that he will be more mellow and thoughtful as a President than he’s been as a campaigner trying to win an election. He’s already starting to tone down most (though not all) of his rhetoric. Be we know he’s an ego-maniac, at least he seems to be, and we also know he wants to win and be “successful” more than anything else. So if he’s President, he will be secure in his position and he will know that most of the credit, or blame, will come to him by virtue of his elected position. So the thinking (and hope!) is that he will surround himself with good advisors who will work behind the scenes to help him be a good President. And since they will be working behind the scenes (his cabinet, etc), Trump will still get the credit that he wants. The endorsement of Ben Carson is strong evidence that this will happen. As I demonstrated before, I have the utmost respect for Mr. Carson, and so if he is endorsing Trump that makes me feel better about him as a candidate. I still think any of the other Republican candidates would be better, but it may not actually be disastrous, as it seems now, if Trump gets elected. In fact, it may even be good for our country! Having said that, I understand the concerns, and why people are so worried about that possibility. Right now, Trump comes across as an uneducated “dictator”, but if he gets elected, he has already shown a willingness to change his style, and enlist the help of an advisor like Mr. Carson. These are my views. … We shall see, of course, but what an interesting and important election cycle so far!
5 hours before the rally here In west Boca... Heavy Raining and quite a lot of folks... About 400 cars and at least 20 cop cars.
Are you in West Boca? Also, can you become a Jets fan? I want to love you but you are a stinking Dolphin fan. Eew.
The cops are trying to force the crowd backwards and they aren't following directions. It's a mob threatening the police. What's retarded is that people think this sort of behavior is OK now. Don't threaten the police and you won't get pepper sprayed in the face. Listen when a police officer gives directions and you won't get pepper sprayed in the face. Cry me a fucking river. smh I don't see any barricade, btw.
Yes, lived here my whole life. I'd be trading one garbage team for another garbage team...Not really a worthy trade lol.
So because a small group was being "threatening", that makes it okay to spray the entire crowd? Shit, he's lucky to be alive after that. Worse has happened to people doing such dumb stuff when surrounded by unfriendly faces.
Sanders down 20 points in Michigan few days before the voting apparently in polls. These polls are a waste of time
It's fucking a sad case for Rubio when you get waxed in your own state. At least Cruz and Kasich are showing their own constituents back them somewhat. Poorly educated, under-employed white people living in mobile homes. About to bring down the republican party. Not too shabby if you ask me.
if you participate in a mob that surrounds police officers and get sprayed in the face with mace it's your own stupid fault. take your outrage to an occupy wall street ralley.
Just saw a clip on the Demo Town Hall meeting of Trump calling out Sanders and threatened to have people show up at a Bernie rally.