I literally laughed out loud. Kids these days, amiright? You're the worst class I've ever taught. You don't need this new technology. This is the dirtiest political campaign ever. What are some other things that people have been saying for the last 100 years? Lol Back in my day we treated our elders with respect. Cmon what are some others, I'm having a blast.
You kinda need damage and mass arrests to qualify as a riot..This was a protest by thousands just like back in'68.
Well, maybe when the small groups of protesters were sucker punched, pushed and manhandled by security, the lesson there was to show up in far larger numbers. Nobody got sucker punched tonite did they..
The night is young. Footage I saw had quite a few people arrests. Im thinking it'll hit 50 by nights end. But it started as a protest. Until certain people realized that this could be another opportunity to berate cops.
So, who's organizing these protesters? Do you honestly believe that they just show up? Someone's getting paid and the ones doing the paying are the only ones benefiting from all this. The brainwashed crowds you see on TV are mere pawns in someone's game.
What is that noise you're listening to? You call that music? Man you guys suck at this game. It's like only me and CMAN60 can think of anything.
A simple facebook invite can create disruption Petro...Let's not get carried away with this being a brainwashing and political push from the other side. https://www.facebook.com/events/1060752830629598/ 19K interested 11K went 50K invited
Unfortunately, nobody is blaming or berating CPD. Actually, CPD has been exemplary in their behavior tonite. No heads busted. no cop cars burned, no cops assaulted. Now perhaps the news outlet you're watching is coming up with all these folks berating cops and destroying Chicago but so far, I'm watching CNN and they have been concentrating their cams on the street. Sorry, nothing supports your assertion about the cops.
What's a face book? Obviously that was created later to cover the tracks of the masterminds. I knew the Internet would be the downfall of our country.
Sure. It's much easier in this day and age. Ok, so "public event by Stop Trump - Chicago"... who's funding Stop Trump - Chicago? There's a major power struggle going on and, as I said, these people are just pawns.
Nope. I wanted to put it in context otherwise it would have made no sense. #thingsthathavebeenrepeatedfor100years #thisisthedirtiestcampaignever
No Petro... What you're seeing in the new age of Social Media being used for political purposes. No need to pay anybody anymore. This younger generation is far more politically active than any in the last several generations. These people are passionate on both sides. Now the danger is that nobody can see the middle anymore.
and of course, Faux News would... Ummm, do you have any video of someone attacking the CPD tonite? Even from Faux? I'd be very interested in watching it.
People called this 3 weeks ago when trump said he wanted to punch someone. His supporters are just feeding off his tough guy act. Sent from my KFASWI using Tapatalk