I saw that too and under normal circumstances I would agree, anyone who gets Norris' endorsement cannot be defeated.. ..But I also saw Caitlyn Jenner endorsed Cruz. so they kinda cancel either other out
joe You are American. All you have seen is a stable economy for years. I am from Turkey. Where only thing stable is unstabulity itself. When poor feel neglected, they punish the political system. Look at Hitler, look at Haider in Austria, look at Erdogan in Turkey, look at Mursi in Egypt, look at Latam countries. Trump is populist and he will get the backing of white independents. And like deathstar says he will get full support of Republicans. He has a great shot if you ask me. We will all be here and we will see. I hope you are right though. I hope Hillary wins it but I am not seeing it.
The reason the GOP Establishment is so opposed to Trump is that he represents a lose-lose for them. If he wins the election he's going to take over the party and he's going to kick out the people who are in the establishment for the most part, tell them to hit the road with their "old, failed" ideas that lost two Presidential elections in a row before his "new and improved" conservatism carried the day. If he loses, well that's a loss with no upside because the voters he's bringing into the equation weren't enough to carry the day and they hate the Establishment with a passion, which is why they went for Trump. That leaves the GOP a much smaller party in the future with all the RINO's and now the Trump voters gone as well. He's really like Armageddon for the Establishment and they're pulling out all the stops to try to save themselves. They really would rather lose a 3-way race than win with Trump.
Survey of Mexican citizens. They above represent percentages in decimal form. http://www.asanet.org/journals/ASR/Aug13ASRFeature.pdf No wonder why Trump's Build a Wall is resonating.
Another Florida poll: Trump - 42% Rubio - 22% Cruz - 17% Kasich - 10% Trump - 45% vs. Clinton - 44% (Florida only) Cruz - 44% vs. Clinton - 46% Rubio - 44% vs. Clinton - 45% http://www.mynews13.com/content/new.../2016/3/7/exclusive_political__0.html#results
I don't know what this kick out business is based on. The president doesnt' get to appoint the Majority Leader and House Speaker even of his own party. He doesn't even have the direct right to appoint the head of the their national party. Sure he'd have something of a mandate, but McConnell and Ryan could say so did they, and it was (assuming this happened) more a loss of the Dems versus the GOP in a war of ideas. I'm not saying it would be pretty, but in that kind of situation, Trump being a novice and all, he'd have an incentive to play ball with the Congress. He cant just make them all leave. But... you do have a point about ideology. A win by him would change the nature of what conservatism is, but the pain there would be assuaged by winning. By comparison even if he loses as the nominee, the GOP would be kidding themselves to think such a loss would mean going back to business as usual. No, it would mean despite all the hope they started out with, with the supposedly deep bench of younger and up and coming people like Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, a proven guy like Jeb Bush, and all the others who were touted, that none of them could beat out Trump. Meanwhile a large part of their base will have willfully ignored their "leadership". In short I think they have a problem as much if he loses as if he wins, and even if he somehow does not get the nomination they have a problem. The problem is their alliance between middle class white voters and the super rich donor class is Humpty Dumpty.
The problem is that the middle class white voter isn't feeling very middle class at this point. The people voting for Trump are voting to reduce the privilege of the establishment and implicitly to reduce the effects of the 1% on society. Trickle down sounded great until it turned into trickle jobs out of the country and funnel profits upwards. The Reagan middle class white voters really thought they'd make life for themselves and their kids better. They never imagined that McDonalds would become the jobs their kids were fighting over with everybody else. They never imagined that the cuts in educational grants would turn into their kids graduating from school with hundreds of thousands in debt if they were lucky and $100,000 they'd spend a decade or more working off if they weren't lucky. They thought they'd be paying for their kids college educations with the profits that trickled down to them and with their newly enhanced blue color jobs. Instead they wound up generationally screwed and Trump (and Sanders) are giving them an outlet for those feelings and facts on the ground.
Yes, I tend to agree on this and that's why I see this as a Humpty Dumpty moment for the GOP. The fear is in their eyes, if you've seen some of the "leading lights" of the GOP on tv lately. They seem confused, although the lesson for them is plain as day, and as you describe. While you mention Trump and Sanders, I will also add Clinton should be able to appeal to these people. She hardly told them to have faith in trickle down. At some point she's at least going to have to try and appeal to a bigger sliver of white men. She actually did this from the middle on in the 08 primaries. But that's another subject. While the super rich have sold those people a bill of goods, at this point I don't think anyone has an easy solution to the problem. Protectionism, a la Trump, will have at best a neutral effect. Sanders's tax plans would have to be so large as they won't get done in order to make the huge difference he is implicitly and not so implicitly promising. Clinton is offering some help, but despite my general politics the government is not going to have some short term cure all for the problems those voters are having. A recent book called The Rise and Fall of American Growth points to a real concern. In short the argument is that the rate of growth we saw from post WWII into the seventies did not continue, and it has taken this long for it to become clear we are in a long term situation where lower rates of growth are the average. That does not bode well for the American middle class in a world of global competition.
Trump takes Mississippi and should win Michigan as well. It's close in Michigan but he's ahead in every district so far, including Detroit.
Trump is increasing his lead in Michigan. He will have over 40% and they will announce it as soon as the polls close at 9pm.
Michigan called for Trump... Huge blow to Kasich as he and establishment made hard push. Robot is in 4th in both Michigan and Mississippi! 9% in Michigan and 4.5% in Mississippi at the moment...hahahahahaha
I am calling it now. Trump will be the next president. I am looking for jobs in Norway. True Story ___