Cruz is more full of shit than Trump. I also believe Cruz would be routed in the general election against Hillary. Just routed. Nobody likes the guy
I believe if Trump takes Florida, Hillary wins the election. A Florida win almost guarantees the GoP will have to intervene at the convention. If the GoP intervenes, it is going to alienate the Trump supporter faction who then may not vote at all. Then the Dems will have more supporters and thus a clear path to the WH.
yes the last thing they want to do is have to intervene and prop up a different candidate than Trump. Trump supporters will feel robbed big time and Trump certainly isn't the type to take something like that "for the team." It could get ugly and possibly result in Trump running as a 3rd party candidate.
We will have to disagree on who is more full of it. As for winning the general election. I support the candidate who most closely aligns with my personal beliefs and values, not who I think has the best chance to win. If Rand Paul is still on the ballot when we vote in NY I'll be voting for him.
I honestly think Trump has the best chance of beating hildabeast. I know many disagree with that, but just look at the numbers he's bringing to the polls in the open primaries. He's getting those independents and converts.
I also think Trump will win against Hillary. Said it from day one. People who became poor since 2008 crisis blames politicians and Trump has populist slogans and this will win him the elections.
I agree and that's why the GOP establishment is scared...They can't and won't be able to control him. Their main thing is control and if they can't control a candidate, they will open fire on him (negative Trump ads). They are also scared that Trump keeps bringing up trade, outsourcing of jobs, etc...The GOP's main donors benefit the most from this at these decrease costs and any thing to slow this down or negate this (for instance a wall would slow down cheap illegal labor coming in)...
I just read today that the percentages based analysis of Trump's victories has hidden some rather telling absolute numbers. For example.. In New Hampshire, touted as a major win for Trump, Bernie Sanders actually got more white working class votes than Trump did. If that demographic is seen as a basic part of the independents who Trump is presumably getting, then that is a problematic analysis. You also have to consider that Trump will balance any new voters with losses to Clinton of suburban moms, the college educated, and minorities. In any event I think the GOP leaders right now are more concerned about the long term future of their party than about this particular election. By that analysis it might, I concede, make for a slightly better case if Cruz were the nominee. If he then gets slaughtered in the election, that will damp down the hard right conservatives and allow the establishment to take the party back over. Where that leaves Trump voters, though, is not clear to me.
That pretty much sums it all up. RNC sent me a letter about a week ago asking to renew my membership. While I am not a registered Republican, I've donated to the GOP quite a few times over the years, which put me on their list. Well, I am not renewing anything and if they pull some shit at the convention, I'll be done with them at both the general election and local election levels (where my vote does matter).
Said it before and (imho) it still goes: Clinton by 6-8% over Trump assuming he gets the GOP nod. She goes into a national election with: full party backing (vs. the GOP's jaundiced eye towards Trump), big left and not-so-left Wall St. $upport, additional gender/racial demographic support not to mention the Fourth Estate going into full-blown overdrive on her behalf once the conventions are over and it's now 'mano-a-mano'. Just watch Trump try and even breathe on her e.g. during a debate and the media will paint Trump as the Marquis de Sade, uber misogynist.
Trump won't have any problem with GOP voters in a general election. The GOP voters always fall in line. After all of the bitching, moaning, and complaining, they will vote for GOP candidate. All this talk about "never trump" is a bunch of BS.
It's funny how now Trump wavering on some positions is now a strength whereas when John Kerry did it, he was a "waffler" and it was perceived as not being decisive.
Well even the other candidates said they would fall in line and approve the Trump nomination. I think if they endorse Trump, their supports will too. Edit: I really wish Kasich was getting more backing. I prefer him over any of the candidates.
So Willard is putting out robo calls for Robot in 4 states today... Is anyone going to be influenced by a 2 time loser?
New Florida poll shows Trump up 20: Sample: Surveyed: 937 likely & actual GOP presidential primary voters Margin of sampling error: ± 3.3%
The way its being spun is that Rambo Rubio is fighting back with vengeance in Fl with the people. What are you seeing in Florida?