Alot of rumblings that billionaire and 12-year Mayor of NYC may go for a run at the Presidency...Possibly as a Independent. The candidates right now extremists on the right and left with Bernie. Hillary is there and I think Bloomberg would support a Hillary nomination, but he apparently sees an opening and an opportunity. Running as a Independent may not be wise but he is a strong candidate and improved NYC quite a bit. De Blasio has quickly turned time back in NY and the city is a dump again with tons of problems. Anyways. thoughts on Bloomberg chatter? He may be waiting to drop his name...
Probably does more harm to the Dems then to the Republicans, especially if he goes in as a Independent.
Welcome back brook. Got your 1 day chip in your pocket? Would Bloomberg running take nyc votes from Hilary?
It would make NY a "Battleground State" You'll see flyers up on Halal carts saying "Vote 4 Hillary" or "Vote Bloomberg" lol
Thanks fla. Missed your weather reports. When you are banned, you can't even read the board. And you can't sign out to be able to read anonymously. Too bad I was logged in on all of my devices. Now, Bloomberg is regarded highly among New Yorkers. He will steal votes from Hillary/Sanders for sure but rumor has it, he won't run against Hillary.
All you had to do was clear your cookies/cache, whatever they are called, and then you would have come back in not logged in. That and don't go on a drunken rage against the websites owner.
The big question could be what middle American hayseed could round out his ticket. Buffett, anyone? Between the two they could buy a lot of votes.
Smart move on his part. It's late to get in the game and he won't get any of the Clinton Democrats nor the Trump working-class nor the Religious Right and after those 3 groups are gone exactly how many of the voters are left? My guess is not more than 19%.