He's actually flaming magenta. Not that the difference means anything to some garlic chomper running for his life from state sponsored flunkies in funny looking hats.
Does that matter? He's the crystallization of the hatred, fear-mongering and economic irresponsibility fed toward the public by the tea party movement. Just republicans are not really about to accept the monster they summoned. [I say, serves them right. Ha!]
I honestly cannot handle anyone who thinks Global Warming is not real. In a span of 20 years NYC no longer sustains normal levels of 4 seasons. Fucking December feels like September at times, rain comes in June instead of April, and Feb/March is snow season. And then ice caps...I don't even want to begin. It's completely asinine to me some debating this.
Last Christmas was [wet.] - as in, late-summer/early fall wet. In Ithaca, of all places. 'Nuff said. P.S. But are we sure 97% of the scientists agree with the effect and such? There has GOT to be some scientists that found somehow the ice glaciers are not retreating. There has got to be.
About those ice caps http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesta...olar-ice-not-receding-after-all/#362e871732da
Regarding that stupid story...Read this: http://mediamatters.org/research/2015/11/04/nasa-scientist-warned-deniers-would-distort-his/206612 Everyone agrees West Antartica is melting faster then the Knicks are losing games, the stupid Forbes article is hammering its case on East Antartica. Climate Change is still fucking our world with sea levels rising. and I suggest everyone watch this...
It's time for Trump to fix his act...These states have a huge hard on for Cruz. What's surprising he's winnning in Maine.