Kind of early in the day to be hitting the sauce that hard, don't you think? BigBoner is very clever, though.
Drinking mid-morning is just one more way I'm getting Ready for Hillary! Swinging back to the point of the thread, even I will be saddened to see Hill having to settle for a ziplock bag of pruno behind the prison laundry. Nothing worse than seeing a fun drunk go bum.
I'm sure you're right. I'm sure this is just a good way to give a team of FBI agents a rest between all the real crime fighting. Sort of like a bye-week.
What part is made up? The part where the FBI is investigating her and her private server? The part where they found over 2000 classified emails on her private, unsecured server? The part where they just granted immunity to the guy who set the thing up so he would talk, instead of pleading the fifth like he did the last time he was in court? These are facts. Please, tell us what part of this is made up?
My am radio is still being fixed over at Mr. Hooper's store, so I just read about this one in one of those old fashioned newspaper thingies.
You thin skinned narcissistic internet blowhard you. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh, Followed with the "you're lonely", "you're sad", "you don't have sex" digs. Which are always so cutting. _
The part about the footballs actually being below legal limits and the ball boys taking the balls into the bathroom for 90 seconds and the QB destroying his cell phone. ALL made up. _
it was embarrassingly poor judgement on the dykes part and I admittedly dont know a whole lot about it, but I find it hard to see where they will find anything illegal. Here's why: Doesn't the secretary of state have the privilege of determining what is classified vs. what is not anyway. SO how could she possibly be breaking that law when shes the one tasked with it? that's why I have a problem with the argument. "if you or I did what she did we be locked up!" yeah, but you and I aren't the freaking secretary of state, so its kinda irrelevant. but it was really dumb of her -I wont deny that.
There is no evidence that she sent emails from her private email that was classified. As far as what she received, I am aware of no evidence that any emails she received were classified when she received them. I know you guys just love to engage in hyperbole and innuendo against the people you hate for political reasons. But what's the substance here? You think HRC was trying, intending, to release state secrets? That she's guilty of treason or something? Or is it enough for you that you hope to get her on some technicality? I don't even see evidence of that. This of course reminds me of how convinced you were that there were videos of Planned Parenthood selling fetuses for a profit. That came to nothing. Neither will this.
That's the fair argument. Plus, that was the correct use of the word "dyke." This is a serious and substantive post. For my part, I hate that this pushes all of the reporting of the incompetence that led to our government servers being raped by foreign hackers beyond even the back page. On the downside, posting like this disqualifies you from a position on Team Blocker. Which is not a gay messageboard alliance. Repeat - NOT.......... A GAY ......... MESSAGEBOARD .......... ALLIANCE. Or, maybe I grouped those words wrong. Who knows how the kids are all doing it these days.
Why do you think I have thin skin? And you can't possibly think calling someone else here a narcissistic internet blowhard has any cred. Since that is you to a tee. I don't recall saying you are sad, either. I am sure you are very happy to have all your little "friends" here in cyberspace. It may not be much, but it's better than being completely lonely, as you know too well. And you are a faker, so no point in even contesting that.
It was dumb because it left an opening for her enemies. But the government system as I understand it is very unwieldy, and probably has no better security. And didn't Powell and Rice have similar set ups? There's just no meat to this business. It's all wishful thinking by right wing reactionaries who are so afraid she will be president, they want to take down the Democrats' nominee with some trumped up (heh) nonsense. If that's all they've got, they deserve to lose on that alone.