And how would you handle problems like acid rain and river pollution that cross state lines? Think about it.
He's bound to the position by ideology. The way to pick that apart is to give concrete examples that expose the flaws in the ideology. He can either defend the ideology and look cluelessly hidebound to it or he can start talking about exceptions to the rule, which leads us inevitably back to a federal response.
Fox clearly feels threatened by Trump. Exactly why they feel threatened is unclear but I am guessing it's because Roger Ailes was a fellow traveler of Lee Atwater and the GOP branding in the 80's and he's worried that his plan for the GOP is coming unraveled before his eyes.
He didn't Kasich sounded it, but he needs a posture and wardrobe consultant, he looks like Jack Klugman playing Oscar Madison.
I almost feel sorry for Fox. I am usually in disagreement with their slant, but I assume they generally believe they are right and are doing the right thing. Trump gives the lie to the whole basis of the GOP coalition, and Fox News does not know how to deal with it. They seem to be at risk of having Trump voters conclude they are part of the Establishment as much as CBS and NBC are. On the rightward side of the spectrum, to be sure, but on the spectrum. What is the right thing for Fox News? I get the impression they don't really know.
There's a lot of movement in the post debate odds: Candidate03/0403/0303/0203/0102/2902/2602/2402/22Donald Trump1/41/81/61/61/55/181/32/3Marco Rubio4/16/19/24/17/25/22/15/4Ted Cruz10/112/118/140/140/135/150/120/1John Kasich20/135/140/150/140/140/160/150/1Ben Carson---750/1750/11000/1750/1750/1Mitt Romney50/145/150/1-----Paul Ryan75/175/1------Trump - down from 1/8 to 1/4 Rubio is up Cruz is up Kasich is up Romney is down Ryan is unchanged
Megyn Kelly specifically. NBC reported on the A grade, four days prior, amd as a journo she knows the leak of the off the record was unethical, so to use it to further Rubio and Cruz, showed she has zero journalstic ethics.
Ummm cooperation. How do you think commuters have trains that run from NY/ NJ etc... The Port Authority..... Congress can pass laws regulating things like emissions, whatever, but a federal layer of bureaucracy is not needed to enforce those laws.
Yeah. Like that is going to work. Pollution along the state border is an entirely different problem from interstate commute. The latter creates money. The former doesn't.
I completely agree with you but I think we should take it one step further. I honestly don't thing there should be any bureaucracy to enforce any laws. I mean we all know that there are laws and we will all respect those laws. People always do the right thing. As a matter of fact, since we're going to do the right thing anyway why have the laws at all?
Trump just doesn't seem to be the presidential type. Boss? Absolutely! His bad temper and penchant for semi profane statements are not a plus internationally. If Obama hurt the American "brand", Trump will obliterate it.