It goes both ways. You think all those hipsters who flock to Sanders' rallies are going to vote for Hillary? Most of them will stay home.
My firm made a lot of money doing that. It's who I financed. Not to bust them out, but to figure out who should survive and who shouldn't. The one's that deserved to survive did. The one's that didn't...well...didn't. Whenever we did an underwrite the first question was--does this company/idea/concept/management team/product/service have a reason to survive. The second question was, how can we help them. The third question was, how do we get our $$ out if we all fail. Never lost a dime. _
2016 GOP. Best circus of the year after Rex and the Ringling Buffalos. Question: What is this Drumpf?
Rubio continues being the establishment's attack dog but Trump is ready this time and counter-punching pretty well so far.
The pompous ass just can't help himself. He's the most unprofessional candidate in history. And people want to put him into the most powerful position on the planet. Unreal.
Kasich continues to be the only voice of reason on the stage. Too bad for him, he's running for president of a country that thinks The Batchelor is real.
It's too bad Carson isn't there. I was waiting for the wiseass who was going to ask him what effect the DAR had on American society. That would have been a hoot.