It's not personal. I just do not believe in message board alliances. If you have a message board ally, one day will surely come when your ally posts something you disagree with. Then you can either keep quiet, which is not being truthful, or you can disavow your ally, which some would see as stabbing someone in the back. Then there's the whole cred issue on a different level - why does anyone need message board allies? It just doesn't add up.
Yeah, so how many people can take him seriously? Let's say he just told the truth, but then he lied in 2012 after taking money from Trump. So, he's nothing but a political whore who will do/say/promise anything to get elected while taking donor money. Isn't that what pretty much created the entire Trump phenomenon? If anything, this speech will only make support for Trump even stronger.
I don't know about that. It probably confirms the view of people who support Trump already. But a lot of people voted for Romney who are still in the GOP base, and it was only less than four years ago they voted for him knowing he was a charter member of the GOP establishment. I don't assume all those voters hate that establishment as much as some Trump voters do. Romney still speaks to some percentage of that total. I have heard here and there of solid GOP voters who have said they will vote for HRC over Trump. That happens in small numbers all the time. They will be bigger numbers this time.
A story from Turkey. After 1980 Military coupe, the junta governed Turkey until 1983. In 1983, they decided to hold elections. Junta was behind a candidate they thought they could control. Junta told people who to vote for and didn't allow other candidates campaign. But in the elections Turkish people voted for the guy junta hated. Bottom line, don't try to tell people who to vote for.
You must have missed that I did respond. In fact you even quoted my response. You must be having a rough day. Or maybe they're all rough for you.
Someone tweeted a 2012 WSJ article, it seems Bain Capital under Romney took 22% of their businesses to bankruptcy. But isn't Mitt a great businessman? Doesn't Mitt know what he's talking about? No he isn't... No, He doesn't... Lulz.
Actual number s for that 22% = 17 companies out of 77 bought. 17 good companies destroyed, many jobs lost and many debt holders with nothing while Willard and his buddies took all the cash/profits out. Now you know why Romney had ZERO chance against Obama...Many of you were blinded by the (R) after this moron's name.
Let's face it, like it or not, Trump is getting support beyond the GOPe base..os he a conservative, he a Republican...moreso than Manny Bloomberg... Rmember Basho... "A flute with no holes is not a flute.......and a donut with no hole is a danish"
Yep.Which os what he accused Trumps bankruptcies of doing...the difference being, Trump was actually trying to build a business to make money, and it didn't work out..that's life. Bain bought companies, to bust them out.