Obama wasn't an existential threat like Trump is. He's going to hijack the GOP to parts unknown. It's occurred to me recently that with what we know about Trump the downsides if he wins for Progressives are potentially fairly low and for Conservatives quite high. It might not turn out that way but if a businessman is looking at the cost of healthcare in this country and trying to fix the budget he's quickly going to realize that single payer is a no-brainer choice. Of course you could also take his comments about people not dying in the streets and reducing the number of people who need subsidized care in a completely different direction.
Romney talking against Trump will only bring more votes to Trump. I think it is a bad move. Romney should just shut up.
I don't think they're fighting hard at all. Prepare for the avalanche of Trump business scandals that emerge once it's Hillary vs. Trump. It's like it's tailor made.
Wow. Just a few seconds ago John Berman announced Mitt Romney's speech as below on CNN Live. "Just minutes from now, it will hit the fan... Mitt, that is"
Having an establishment loser at the top of your ticket in 2012 wasn't a recipe for success...No matter how hard the GOP tried, Obama was winning reelection...
Another day and another new candidate in the Republican nomination odds: Candidate03/0303/0203/0102/2902/2602/2402/22Donald Trump1/81/61/61/55/181/32/3Marco Rubio6/19/24/17/25/22/15/4Ted Cruz12/118/140/140/135/150/120/1John Kasich35/140/150/140/140/160/150/1Ben Carson--750/1750/11000/1750/1750/1Mitt Romney45/150/1-----Paul Ryan75/1------Trump goes up Rubio is down Cruz is up Kasich is up Romney is up Ryan enters the arena
Rubio at 6-1 while Cruz is at 12-1 doesn't make sense any more. If something knocked Trump out of the race Cruz would start to dominate Rubio and Kasich. He'd pick up many of Trump's anti-establishment voters. If Trump doesn't get knocked out of the race Rubio has no chance at the nomination.
GOP voters have been fooled by the establishment's tax cuts for the rich will make everything better since the 80s... They are waking up (finally) to the belief that "trickle down fairy tale" doesn't and will never help them...Wages have stagnated and jobs are going overseas...Same old story...So why reward the establishment once again with their votes? This is just a waste of time.