No kiddin man... At the end of the day, they'll take my cash and tell me my ancestors were from Earth..
Wait, is there really a question about whether Hillary munches rug? Didn't Bill tell one of his fuck bunnies "repeatedly" that Hillary was bi-sexual and "ate more pussy" than Bill? Long rumored fan of the broadloom. First woman President AND the first Gay President. Not that there's anything wrong with that. _
Not likely. Have you seen Michelle's Arms/guns? She would kick Barak's ass up and down Pennsylvania Ave.
Its over for Rubio Roger Ailes: Fox News CEO Withdrawing Support for Marco Rubio, Report Says "We're finished with Rubio...we can't do the Rubio thing anymore," Ailes recently told a Fox host, according to a New York Magazine report. "We can't do the Rubio thing anymore." Fox News is yet to comment.
I thought it was Gennifer Flowers. But the point remains the same. Where there's smoke, there's vaginal stank. If you don't think Hillary eats pussy, you're a naive pup. _
How to Move to Canada If Trump Wins, By a Person Who Moved to Canada When Bush Won Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk