If there's someone in this race who's 100% big money puppet, it's Rubio. He will do/say whatever his handlers tell him to do/say.
But Trump will blurt out any idiotic, incorrect, unchecked thought that pops into his head ... And that's even scarier.
Dudes lets face it, this country is fucked. Doesnt matter what your party is. Do we really want ANY of these idiots running the country? You got one giving out classified info and not smart enough to secure it. You got one who cant answer any real issue. One who wants everything to be free, with no idea on how pay for any of it. The rest are just puppets. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
There was a saying in Washington that "Bill had his girls, and Hillary had hers"........ not that there's anything wrong with that........
WTF? I am a man. You seem to have gender confusion. Figures, since you are confused about a great deal else.
The ad bombardment from robot's billionaires super pacs have started here...unbearable and we still have 12-13 days to go.
Not saying it's a direct analogy, but of course Washington was technically part of the Federalist Party, which lasted a whole lot less time than the GOP has. Point being it's a long time since Lincoln was a Republican. He wouldn't have recognized the Party a long time before this election cycle. Of course Ronald Reagan would not recognize all that much, either. Things change. You have to wonder how they put this Humpty Dumpty back together again, though. Which is another reason I mentioned the Federalists.
Romney to give speech http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-...mitt-romney-elections-speech-scheduled-220133 Maybe a tutorial on how to lose an presidential election?