Rubio attacked exclusively Trump in his speech. Now Cruz is attacking Trump as well. Trump attacked only Clinton. He's totally in the general election mode.
Looks like Trump is winning it all. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. I always considered myself a conservative, but I don't think I can recognize any conservative principle with current Republican party. And no, I can't associate myself with that cesspool of hate, bigotry and colossal economic stupidity. I'm more than certain that Abe Lincoln would cry at the current status of Republicans in general.
Rubio on Fox news now trying to spin why the match will be better for him. Super Tuesday was not going to be the night for him, he never said he was going to win tonight and Cruz was supposed to have a big night. He looks miserable
From the state that gave us Gov. Jesse "The Body" Ventura, and Sen. Al "Jack Handy" Franken? Shocking....
The Great Republican State of Minnesota...Oh wait lol..... Useless. Media running hard with this as the comeback moment?
Right now the GOP primary vehicle is a clown car with one guy at the wheel and 3 or 4 other guys stuffed under the seat hoping he'll drive off the road so they can get out from under him.
I'll take Rubio 100 out of 100 times over Trump. If the day comes when we swear a pompous ass like Donald Trump into the most powerful position on Earth, it will be the day the USA officially jumps the shark. But Rubio is correct ... Trump will get beat in the general election. He can win the Republican nomination by pandering to his base but his ceiling is way too low to win a general election. If he ran against any other Democrat in any other year he would get destroyed. Even running against a phony con artist like Hillary this year, there are still way too many people who hate him, too many people who are embarrassed by him, and they wouldn't vote for him at gunpoint. There just aren't enough 40+ angry white males out there to put him in the White House. Rubio can beat Clinton. He can take Latino votes from her, and black votes, and young votes. So can Kasich, and I think he's the most qualified man for the job ... but he has no shot to get the nomination. But Kasich can run with Rubio and give him strong support in Ohio and and the Midwest in a race against Clinton. And btw -- who exactly is going to be Trump's running mate? I don't think Kasich would touch him with a 10' pole, the establishment hates him, and he's disparaged every other high profile candidate in the party. If Trump gets the nomination, you can bet your life we're heading towards President Clinton.
We got the first unhinged gop establishment supporter... Good lord what a waste of bandwidth. Trump wins Vermont!