I always thought "fakery" was not a real word but a slang term for a store operating as a front just to sell drugs.. like a bakery or convenience store that everyone knows is just a place where you talk to the proprietor and he takes you out back and sells you the good stuff. "Lets get high tonight." "Okay, good idea, I'll stop by the fakery to get some weed on my way to your house.." I didnt know it was actually a real word referring to being fake
I have a real problem with Thomas, including that he lied his way onto the court. But I can't get worked up over him not asking questions. He and Scalia had a division of labor. Scalia asked the questions, and showed Thomas how to vote. Thomas voted. He didn't need to speak to know how to vote. BFD.
McConnell has reaffirmed that his boys will not consider any nomination to fill Scalia's seat. Pathetic.
I don't see the humor in another huge example of our national leaders shirking their responsibilities in favor of do-nothing partisan politics.
Polls show that the public is opposed to this obstructionism by the GOP leadership. Wouldn't it be rich if the net result is that President Hillary Clinton put Obama on the Supreme Court to replace Scalia? I think that would be awesome.
And won't it be rich when President Hillary Clinton sits in the same chair as Bill did when he was getting a blowjob?
Polls show a lot of things, Hillary being the least trustworthy and honest of all the presidential candidates, for example.
Weak. I will lmao if their obstructionism ends up putting Obama on the Court. Could very well happen.
If trustworthy and honest was a thing that the voters required out of Presidential candidates George McGovern would have blown Tricky Dick out of the water in '72 instead of losing a landslide election. Same thing for George H.W. Bush in '92 over Bill Clinton. Hillary is by far the most competent Presidential candidate left on the campaign trail at this point. She should win a landslide on that basis alone.
I hope you are merely being purposely obtuse here. I'd rather think that than that you are being stupid.