LOL... I knew someone would bring up Al Sharpton! Just not in this context... Thanks Hobbes! I owe you one man... Last I checked, neither Al or Jesse stood in front of the schoolhouse door vowing never to allow integration. Jeff Sessions and Mitch McConnell are cut from the same southern cloth. Barry Goldwater really wasn't saying much different back in '60 when as the song put it: "there's a strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees".
Joe, familiar with the term "Dixiecrat" ? NONE of this has anything to do with Trump's tepid/tacit approval of White Supremacist Groups. So, can we keep the diversion and equivocation to a minimum...?
Barry Goldwater helped to desegregate pheonix, when it was still segregated. But I guess to some being Konservtaive is the same as being a Klansman. No, Al and Jesse shakedown corporations using the uneducated as a threT of extortion, to enrich themselves. While the people they purport to look out for remain in the wilderness, Where is Jesse, or for that matter Obama, on the mass black on black urban slaughter going on in Chicago? You know...they place they come from. Is their indifference a subtle form of the bigotry of no expectations?
Stop trying to change the conversation Hobbes. The subject we're discussing is Trump and the KKK. Stay on topic please..
You smeared Sessions and Goldwater. But as was pointed out, Wallace was a Democrat, as was most of the south, so it!s the Democrat National Convention that should have " a meeting white sheets,white hoods, no room for seating ' (hT tip IceT.) By extension that makes Hillary. the KKK Bitch.
Economist/YouGov poll Trump 44 Cruz 21 Rubio 17 Kasich 8 3-way Trump 49, Rubio 27, Cruz 25 1-on-1 Trump 58, Cruz 42 Trump 57, Rubio 43 Robot and the establishment wanting a 1 vs 1...but this poll shows an ass kicking in all scenarios...
The GOP establishment looks ineffectual at this point. That's hurting the polling. If Trump stumbles at all things will equalize. Right now it looks like he's kicking ass and taking numbers and has the establishment on the run. Mob mentality is always over the top.
Cman, of course I'm familiar with the term but if you're going to offer up Geo. Wallace's "schoolhouse door/segregation" comment as some sort of litmus test that the two good Reverends passed then what's so equivocating about pointing out what party Wallace ("the source") represented, especially given the good Reverend's Democratic party affiliation? While I'm not a Trump supporter, what's good for the goose is good for the gander here and hell, if I wanted to go picayune tit-for-tat with this (which I don't) then I'd start whining about Rev. Jessie's anti-Semitic Hymietown slur and the fact that had it come out of Trump's mouth probably would've resulted in "game, set, match, goodbye Donald." As for Trump himself......the KKK? Seriously?
These two clowns are so desperate... Trump hit by Rubio and Cruz in KKK endorsement flap I am 99% sure that the whole KKK endorsement drama was set up by one of Cruz/Rubio superPACs/donors, as they are the only parties who might benefit from this.
While it is apparent that you are making a distinction between legal and illegal immigrants here, it is not apparent that Trump made that distinction.
Jimmy Kimmel reintroduced Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick as political consultants Bialystock and Bloom in a sequel to The Producers called "Trumped."
Blame Trump... The man had the nerve to say he didn't know anything about either David Duke OR the KKK. Blatant lies Joe.. Oh, one more thing. For the love of God, PUHLEEZE update your black boogieman list... Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are no longer relevant except in their own minds... Its 2016 for crying out loud.. You too Hobbes...Sheesh
Latest national poll from CNN/ORC International Trump - 49% Rubio - 16% Cruz - 15% Carson - 10% Kasich - 6% There goes the 30-35% ceiling that the "experts" love so much
which came first. This or the CNN interview? Because in the CNN interview he was told who the guy was and what he did..
This came first. He claims that his confusion in the interview was the groups that were brought up prior to the Duke mention. He had never heard of them and wanted to investigate them. Can't blame him for that, but he should have had no problem disavowing Duke & the KKK again.
Plenty of people before have said that this or that thing that Trump said will ("finally!") bring him down. I've been skeptical of those claims, but given his egomania and belief he can speak without a filter, there was always the chance he would say something really harmful. Is this that moment? I am still not sure, but I'll tell you what, I don't know how anyone who doesn't know what the KKK and David Duke are about has any business running for President. Talk about uninformed.
BOOM! Event Date: 02/14/2000 Air/Publish Date: 02/14/2000 LAUER: When you say the Party is self-destructing, what do you see as the biggest problem with the Reform Party right now? Mr. TRUMP: Well, you've got David Duke just joined--a bigot, a racist, a problem. I mean, this is not exactly the people you want in your party. Buchanan's a disaster as we've, you know, covered. Jesse's a terrific guy who just left the Party. And he, you know, it's unfortunate, but he just left the Party. He's going to be doing his Independence Party from Minnesota. And he's a terrific guy and a terrific governor, and he's got a great future. And I've always said, Matt, that I would run if I thought I could win, and in order to win...