Given what is demonstrably known about the man and his activities over the past thirty or so years, you're just rooting for the laundry if you can convince yourself Trump is conservative.
Never said he was conservative nor do I root for him. He's a fucking asshole. Appearing more conservative than HRC does not make one a conservative. I think trump is pretending to be something he's not to get elected. So both the presidential candidates will be doing that now.
The DNC vice chair Tulsi Gabbard just resigned from the DNC and endorsed Sanders. Sent from my SM-N910U using Tapatalk
No, it's not free. It's responsible allocation of tax revenue. But hey, let's pump another couple trillion into the defense budget.
She is an Iraq War veteran and a rising Democrat. This is a big deal and speaks volumes about the corrupt warhawk Hillary and crooked Debbie Wasserman Schultz. “I think it’s most important for us,” she continued, “to recognize the necessity to have a commander-in-chief who has foresight, exercises good judgment, who looks beyond the consequences, looks at the consequences of the actions they’re looking to take, before they take those actions, so we don’t continue to find ourselves in these failures that have resulted in chaos in the Middle East and so much loss of life.
brad I cant help myself but think about how most of your political posts the last 5 years or so speak of a GOP demise/split. so its hard to take another of these projections serious. Trump says a bunch of nonsense to get popularity and is pretty general as it comes to issues. so who the hell knows about how he's going to come down on things really. But I will say it seems he's more socially liberal than his doofus republican counterparts and yet still pro-business. Isn't that exactly what the party has been looking for?
Tax revenue that doesn't exist. I have a better idea. How about the government doesn't get involved with shit it doesn't need to be involved with, stops wasting citizens money, and leaves money in the pockets of the people who earn it? This includes asinine wars and conflicts we don't need to be involved in. As for the people who don't earn it? Well, fuck you. Earn it if you want it. I see nothing at all responsible about the government stealing money from people and inefficiently reallocating it as the political class sees fit. I guess people who need daddy to balance their budgets see it another way. The government is extremely inefficient in most things it does, we should be limiting the things it's responsible for, not increasing them.
Same with the Democrats and Clinton. It's the anti-establishment election, and I think Sanders and Trump are the only two with good odds in the GE.
usually guys with 25 years in congress like Sanders are considered the establishment and not the opposite. And I disagree strongly about Sanders' chances in the GE.
The establishment is more about money than time spent in Congress. Washington is completely bought out now and Sanders has been strongly against corrupt big money in politics for decades, unlike any of his fellow congressmen. Hence the anti-establishment campaign. You can disagree about his chances in the GE, but multiple polls show him performing better than Clinton and beating any of the GOP candidates.
CONSPIRACY!!! All the media did all last year was blather on about HRC's emails, which no one other than Fox News gives a shit about. But yeah it did undermine the perception of her as trustworthy, under the where there;s smoke there has to be fire theory. Only there was no fire. Meanwhile Sanders gets a free pass while talking about a revolution when the party he is seeking the nomination for has held the White House for seven years and counting. Far superior my ass. Sanders is the wet dream of far lefties who don't understand it is a good thing we live in a capitalist country.
I pretty much hate the GOP right now, but I do spend too much time defending the assholes they have running.
more people than fox news care about hillary's email.. while you are right about Sanders IMO.. he would be an absolute nobody right now nationally if people actually liked Hillary. He's just the alternate candidate to Hillary Clinton. If any reasonable candidate was running in the democratic primary they'd be challenging and probably beatingHillary and that says a lot. If a guy like Biden ran, Hillary would be losing badly. She's lucky she only has to go against that slapdick candidate in Sanders... and still! the DNC is all but trying to push her as the nominee. its like playing a basketball game against a midget and they are still lowering the hoops for her to give her the advantage. The fact that its even a contest says more about Hillary than Sanders
The problem with this whole libertarian philosophy begins with a fairy tale concept of property, having no meaning in the real world. You implicitly assume that the individual property holder exists apart from the world, and society. In fact you implicitly assume that the individual exists BEFORE society. This is ridiculous. Property rights and money do not exist in a vacuum. They DEPEND on society, they COME FROM society. And so society takes a percentage of your money to make it possible for that world to exist. It is the price we pay for the social contract. Just like everyone else, if you don't have society and the government, you don't have anything. The ignorance of this basic fact is why I can't stand libertarians.
That's because the GOP media, along with the Sanders campaign, have been doing nothing but attacking HRC for years now. I know it is a problem for her. But if Sanders were somehow to win the nomination, the hammer and sickle ads come out and your dream is over just like that. I can't believe Sanders fans don't understand that the right wing media have been holding their fire on him.
I disagree. I think HRC is the most qualified to be president of those running. Biden is a good man but he's always had a problem somewhere between his brain and his mouth. That hasn't gone away. And I do think although the manner of debate is different that something in the Democratic Party is going on that is similar to the GOP's meltdown. Go back and see the difference in say 2009 between what someone like Elizabeth Warren was up to and what Obama's Treasury Secretary Geithner was up to. THAT is the problem the Dems are trying to deal with. While I sympathize with the left here, and admire Warren very much, the Sanders people do not see the big picture, imo. Clinton for all her warts does.
As for the email thing, I have really tried very hard to understand what the real substance is here. No doubt people CARE about it, but what is it that they understand about it? In the end it will amount to nothing but innuendo. I will be very surprised if it turns out to have any real significance.