I'm fine with you arguing that the entire GOP is anti-human rights because they are against abortion as long as you'll agree that the entire Democratic party is anti-human rights because they are for murdering babies. FTR, I am pro-choice up to a reasonable part of the pregnancy. Sometimes a baby needs to get ganked. Hillary thinks a baby being aborted on the due-date is OK. Kinda sick and anti-human rights if you ask me.
Hillary blows so you won't see me come to her support. But the right to life is when they are viable. If it can be born and most likely be viable, THEN I'll have an issue with the abortion.
I should also mention if you want to enact laws to slow women down from getting them or making it impossible for a clinic to perform one, that's still anti-human rights.
Being pro abortion is anti civil and human rights, the victims of Chinas one 'male' child' policu say gfy
Yes , be ause rubbers are so costly and self control s i possible. Basically you just characterized women as no better then bitches in heat. You sir are a misogynist.
Racist? You're losing your grip on reality Truth. It was Blinky Carson that told that bullshit story to your fellow Christians currying favor. I didn't make it up. HE DID! Yeah Truth, Ben Carson is not only a fake thug, but completely out of his element. Just because he can rewire a brain doesn't make him qualified to be POTUS. Just because he's a Christian Zealot doesn't qualify him either. Ben Carson may have been a great man once, but when he crossed the line into politics, he left all that greatness in his past. Now all he's got is some made up story about his youth that NOBODY that knew him can verify. The man is a liar and a fake but because he can recite chapter and verse he's qualified to be POTUS? Stop while you still have some credibility left. I really don't give a shit if he's black, white, brown, yellow or a f'n Martian. He's a fake and in no way shape or form should even still be in this race. Thank GOD FOR THE SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. I'm gonna enjoy it as long as it lasts before we become a Theocracy.
might as well trotted out David Duke or the ghost of Barry Goldwater and/or George Wallace. Trump should put the battle flag of Northern Virginia on that red hat of his while he's at it. Would be more truthful than anything else he's said lately. In Trump's defense, there was no way he was gonna disavow the Klan in Georgia..He's a lot of things, but stupid ain't one of them.
Did you really just equate Jeff Sessions with George Wallace and David Duke...amd..for that matter, you put AuH2O in that category? So, then I guess it!s fair to call every liberal politician of color a race hustler along the terms of Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton? C'mon Man.. And since Hillary! Was proud to be a Goldwater girl...is she a racist too. Not backing the civil rights act of 1964, has much more to it, than race. There was a states right component to it.