and he calls himself a "true conservative" Marco Rubio Pushed for Immigration Reform With Conservative Media
Trump's starting to use this to go after Robot. Didn't know these details about this but damn, not a good look for him. He thought he could get his way as he was and has been an expert as grovelling for money and support from billionaires his whole career.
Devil's Advocate is that he was willing to work with a prominent Democrat to get something he thought was important done and he was willing to do it in front of people who could make him or break him as a presidential candidate. It's hard to find pols in the GOP who are willing to buck the children of the corn to get things done right now. It's easier just to go along with the wave and join the cannibal sheeple in the process.
So now Trump knows nothing about David Duke or the KKK? I guess he was spot on saying that he loves the poorly educated. Even PT Barnum wouldn't try a stunt like this one. Taken from today's CNN.. The man will not disavow but instead, tries to feign ignorance. Ok Trump voters...feel free to explain this one.. Keep in mind we're not the "poorly educated" around these parts. This man is running the most xenophobic, racist, misogynistic campaign perhaps in history. He's appealing to the lowest common denominators of America and its working for him. This wanna-be Ceasar scares the shit out of the GOP establishment let alone the rest of us.
The best candidate is Ben Carson, but sadly he's been buried under the juvenile, Jerry Springer-like insanity that has becoming this 3-ring Trump circus! Trump killed the Republicans this time around, btw. He's turned it into a juvenile, school yard brawl, or a comedy routine, a ratings grabber for CNN and co., and caused real candidates like Carson, Kasich, or even Jeb to be buried under the lunacy. And btw, Cruz would be a good candidate too, and even Rubio, if they didn't allow themselves to be sucked into Trump's world and sink to his level. Sadly, they've become like Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum sparring with Trump on the school yard. #Signoftheapocalypse Sadly, this will likely allow Hillary to slither her way into the white house.
The best candidate is the faux thug that no one remembers existed? It would be easier to prove Bigfoots exist than Ben Carson was actually a thug once. Really Truth? Just because he's a Christian Zealot he's the best? He's no more qualified to be POTUS than my cat.
HUH?!?! Are you racist or something? I don't throw around that term loosely, but you're talking about a highly intelligent, mature black gentleman who was a world class neurosurgeon, and you use the term "faux thug" to describe this person?!?! Wow, just wow. I mean, even liberal democrats with no moral standards admit Carson is a great man! ... ... smh. (sorry, not all democrats are like that, but you get my point) ...and btw, most people don't know how brilliant Carson is or how smart his policies are because the ratings, commercial revenue-driven 21st century media running these farce-debates wants it to devolve into the Trump show so that our ADD general population will watch, the "reality-TV", tabloid, shock hounds will tune in. Sad but true. this point, anyone but Trump, Hillary, or Sanders would at least salvage our country. If any one of those 3 I just mentioned gets elected, we will continue the slow decline of our country at best, or become the generation that witnesses the apocalypse at worst. Hope I'm wrong of course ... btw I predict Hillary will slip in, thanks to Trump's antics killing the Republicans. Everyone agrees Reagan was the best President since Lincoln, but we haven't had a quality President since the first Bush. Since then, it's gone from bad to worse....why can't we find a decent, honorable, qualified, and mature gentlemen anymore in this entire country?! Are the best and brightest spooked to enter politics nowadays? Obama is a mature gentleman, but his policies suck. Ben Carson would easily be the best candidate this time around, but the media and Trump conspired to bury him in the name of TV ratings and the ad revenue that goes along with it. Sad. Is there any way to make the news media not for profit, or something, to diminish these effects?
No one who is anti-abortion, anti-civil rights, ant-human rights could salvage our country (Read: the entire GOP)
Trump is both. Shouldn't need explanation. But if banning abortion is part of your agenda, you are anti-human rights. If you are interested in banning gay marriage, you are anti-civil rights. If you want to ban immigrants or refugees, you are anti-human rights. If you want to let religion into public school or public forums, you are a moron and keep your religion away from everyone else. If you want to throw people in jail for getting high, you are anti-civil rights. All the main Republican candidates want to restrict personal freedoms and it's sickening.
No one is banning abortion or gay marriage. You also assume babies have no human rights. Maybe it is you who is anti-human rights? No one wants to ban immigrants. You allow the media to easily confuse you. Learn and understand the difference between illegal immigrants and legal immigrants. Trump is neither so far as I can tell. He is a giant asshole, but that's allowed in this country. Please give some facts on what freedoms all the candidates want to restrict instead of painting a broad bullshit brush.